
What do you think about the France n' Frenchies ?

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What do you think about the France n' Frenchies ?




  1. Hi from France !

    I'm astoned by the answers !! Anyway, I love America and american people, I went in California and I loved it !!

    I think too, american people are welcoming with me !!.... Well....

    Have a nice day,


  2. The same as I feel about America and Amies, Italy and Italies, Africa and Afries, Canada and Candies, the UK and Ukies.

  3. French ppl are a varied as anywho else.  It really helps to speak some French;  though most French ppl have studied English in school, most are not fluent in English.  I wouldn't expect ppl to be overly friendly if they are just meeting you.  My impression is that French ppl have a love hate relationship with the US.  They love American movies and music.  They do seem jealous of the US because our standard of living is somewhat higher and they think that we have a lot of $.  One thing that I couldn't get used to in France is that married men walk in front of their wives when they get home from the supermarket and most do not carry the groceries (the wives struggle with the kids and bags of food).  Another bummer:  the food in France is horrendously expensive and the beef is tough.  The canned tuna, pastries (except for the sour tasting apple pie) and mayonnaise are great, however.

    In today's world one takes a chance when one makes any statements because unless it applies to 100% of a group of ppl, someone will be offended.  Even if the statement is true, someone will be offended.

    En anglais plus correct:  "It's the first time that I HEARD such b.s."

  4. I think this kind of question is being asked over and over and I am getting a bit tired of it.

  5. The only time I was in France they seemed a bit chilly.

  6. what a cliché! Husbands walking in front of their wives in France?

    That's the first time I hear such bullshit...

    That's perharps true for some foreigners who came with their stupid customs when they settled down, but not for the average Frenchmen and -women!

    I'm a French girl, I'm married and I have two kids, most French women are very free to live their lives the way they want, because they have the opportunity to work AND have kids or to stay at home if they want to (thanks to our welfare system, even if it won't last forever). They are not their husbands' slaves!!!

  7. They are a shining example of how well Liberalism works in the real world LOL.

  8. Boots you are SO ignorant Lafayette helped your country win your independance agains the British too, and where are the freaking weapons of mass destruction your crazy president talked about in order to invade a country Rumself sold weapons to in the 70s TOO? I bet you didn't even know that right?

    Anyway to answer the question the French are often arrogant, stuck up and ignorant and there's a growing problem with racism but they also have  very nice genuine and generous people , they have one of the best social security system in the world,  and they certainly have a lot more culture than many Americans, they  are less fat and they shower as much as Americans do,lol.

  9. I'm pretty disappointed in the French...We have over 66,000 Americans buried in French soil who gave their lives in two wars to keep the French people free from German oppression. When America asked the French for help after 9/11, all we got was a great big NON. I feel that the next time France gets invaded, they should ask Germany for help. After all, the Germans know the way to Paris.

  10. It is simply not true, as another respondent said, that the French refused to help us after 9/11. The French were and I believe still are involved militarily - troops on the ground and air support - in the war on terror in Afghanistan.

    What the French refused to do was to take Bush's side against the United States in the attack on Iraq. As must be utterly clear today, the French and the United States were correct, and Bush was wrong. The French didn't refuse to help the U.S., and in fact stood by us against Bush when it really counted.

    Don't believe everything the right-wingers tell you.

  11. To the poster called "boot".

    When asked to help after 9/11, the French didn't say "a big NON". France supported the war against Afghanistan and there are still French troops there fighting the Talibans on the American side. Your statement is simply an insult to one of your allies !

    The French said "NON". To the war against Iraq because :

    - There is no connection between 9/11 and Iraq

    - The reasons G. W. Bush gave to start this war were lies. Everybody knows it know now even a large number of Americans.

    To sum it up, the French said NON to the Bush team and not to the American people. It's high time for you to do the same.

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