
What do you think about the $Gas$ prices?

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I live in Spokane,WA and it is currently the lowest is $4.05 and the highest $4.35. Even milk is ridiulous but yes it is due to the recession and we all knew it would come eventually!!!




  1. I lived in the Mid-East for many a year, and last year was paying about £1.50 per gallon, or about $3.00

    Why should it be over £5 here in the UK ?

    I refuse to beleive it is all transport costs.

    Tax again ?

  2. Gas is only $4.35 a gallon. Does everyone work at Taco Bell for minimum wage?If you can't afford gas park your car and walk.

  3. I Think people should stop running to stock up on gas when it gets cheaper because demand goes up and so does the prices. I think there should be alternative fuels and people should do little think that increase gas millage like inflating tires

  4. to high.

  5. I feel they are apart of one of the main causes of the recession, because they keep on going higher, and people who don't get much money from their jobs can't afford to drive anymore. If they're spending their money on gas, then maybe in the long run, their family won't be able to put food on the table, or heat their homes.

  6. **Something, somewhere needs to be done to stop the prices going any higher.  It's hitting most people (I say most because friends of mine get their fuel paid for through the place they work for so they're not having to pay for it themselves) very hard and it's getting to the point where people are trying to avoid driving because it's getting too expensive.

    I have to use the train a lot more than I ever would have in the past and while it's a lot cheaper, the conditions on the trains in Melbourne are terrible.**

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