
What do you think about the MCC's ruling that the switch hit is legal?

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  1. Its great . Why shouldn't it be legal. I think none of them liked the idea of pietersens new shot, but were powerless because they could not find a law that the shot contravened.

  2. It is no different from the 'reverse sweep' shot, when I was young, the switch hit as they are calling it was quite common.

    The laws of the game demand that you tell the umpire whether you are a left or right handed batsman, so that the bowler knows which line to take.

    However, once the ball has left the bowlers hand, it is up to the batsman how he plays the shot.

  3. i think it should be illegal coz the batsmen cannot do like that he has to tel the umpire just like the bowler has to ask the umpire if he wants to bowl frm his wrong hand

  4. Pietersen hit two sixes after changing his stance to left-handed but some commentators had asked whether it was in keeping with the spirit of the game,...

    nobody cares spirit of the game ( specially ),..guys from European descent~

  5. It's a sport like all others. There are rules to go by,if you play the game within the confines of the rules,I see no problem.

    A bit like in the 80s when Lotus formula 1 cars started winning because their cars had side skirts,effectively sucking the cars to the ground.It gave them many victories within the confines of formula 1 rules,till it was decided that it was an unfair advantage,and the rules were changed.

  6. i say good for KP. Not every cricketer can play that shot but if  he is talented enough to do so then why not.

    The switch is now going to be something that every youngster wants to try - cant deny that me and my brother have tried it already- but its going to take some time to perfect.

    For now though its KPs signature shot and a super one at that and glad that its here to stay.

  7. K.P is a class act and too hot for the bowlers and when the bowlers get ****** from both sides you claim not from the left as simple as that.

    Present k.P is the best in all forms of the game and let us all appreciate the genius who has mastered the stroke.

  8. about time.KP is a talented cricketer.

  9. I think they're right, it's an exciting hit and it IS risky, so it isn't unfair to the bowler as he ups his chance of taking a wicket.

    I'm far more dubious of Malinga's bowling action, if that is deemed legal Pietersen's hit definitely should be. You can switch grip during your innings if you want to and it's the perfect way to break a defensive field.

    If exciting Twenty20 is the way forward then I'm all for exciting shots. Besides, it's no more "unorthodox" than Nixon's reverse sweeps for four.

  10. Can's say i'm a cricket fan at all but what's the's within the rules so it's fine.

    It's like Ronnie O'Sullivan he plays snooker right

    or left handed.

    Some right handed golfers putt left handed and vice versa

  11. its just a question of the wides anything down the leg side is a wide, by reversing his stance he has changed his leg side.

    so if he swings and misses and it goes down his new leg side is it a wide or is it a wide if it goes down his old leg side?

    personally i like the shot but i would say to the batsman if you play and miss there will be no chance of a wide on either side, that would clear any confusion.

  12. I dont think there is anything wrong with K.P'S actions,in fact i think he is pretty bloody clever.

    Now the bowlers are really going to have to use(Or Find) their talent to get him out.

    Good going KP.

    If it was Sachin who came up with a shot like this everyone in here would be singing his praises.

    EDIT>You underneath me with the very offensive name,i am biased hey?..Yes so biased i can sing KP's praises.I can say India are a good team.You wanna know biased mate look in the mirror.You cant say 1 good thing about Australian players,go bury your head..

  13. It shows that Cricket is not a game taken out of the context of modern thinking and society,  However,  I do think that this shot is very dangerous as it lays the batsman open to a greater risk of getting out.  So anyone who is brave enough to try it should do it.

  14. Cricket is changing. Nothing is as it was before. All types of batting skills have been brought in, just to score high.

    So it is OK. It will mean that fielders have to be kept on either side of KP. I was only wondering what would happen if many followed suit and what would happen to the fielding henceforth.

  15. I saw Mal Loye do the same thing, is a shot that if you can play it why not play it. The bowler has a chance of getting you out as Mal Loye nearly did by trying this shot for the 4th time only having pulled it off the first time. Pietersen says it's a new shot yet they have had a law change in 2000 to take this kind of shot into account. It's fantastic to watch though, and funny when they miss it like Mal Loye did. He hit a massive one the first time he tried it longer than Pietersen's efforts.

  16. We gave this Q a good workout here yesterday LBJ, & I think most agreed it was all a storm in a teacup.I don't know why it was ever brought up to tell you the truth, nothing illegal there.

  17. the shot is really very good !!

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