
What do you think about the VP nominee, Sarah Palin?

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NO STUPID ANSWERS! Do you think she would make a good VP?




  1. After her speech tonight NO.  I eagerly awaited her speech to hear her views and for her to give me some reason to consider that ticket but all she did was bad mouth and spew more rhetoric.  McCain / Palin lost my vote.

  2. simple yes!

  3. Her qualifications:

    Governor of an oil wealthy state.

    Did not abort any kids.

    Governor for a state that has a population less than that of Los Angeles.


    Country first right? Its all the same politics.

    BTW former VP Al Gore is a Noble Laureate

  4. this isn't stupid, every dude in that convention hall was glassy eyed fantisizing about taking that chick back to his hotel room and talk some policy if you know what i mean.

  5. Cookie Cutter Neo Con PTA Mom. Yuck.

  6. She's got nice hair, but I'm voting for the next President - OBAMA!

  7. I think she single handedly has done more to damage the Republican ticket than any Democrat could ever do. She's exactly what's wrong with the Republican party and would be a TERRIBLE vice-president.

  8. Ok let me clear this first...It's not the fact that her daughter is pregnant that weighs her's the fact that her daughter is pregnant yet she's against s*x ed being openly taught to young adult and pushes for abstinence only measures, and now we find that her daughter is pregnant. It makes you wonder how practical and in touch with today's world she really is.

    Next I really believe that she is getting more hype that she deserves. She may have been a good governor, but there are plenty of other states out there that can boast good governors, that have the experience we need but lack the corruption of Washington.

    Overall, I think this campaign is by far just as hypocritical as campaigns usually are. They don't want her family life revealed scrutinized, and yet they want everyone to see that she is a down to earth family woman. I believe that kids are off limits and that her family life should not be an issue, but when she is trying to use her family in a positive light to promote herself, she may want to make sure everything is up to par in her household first.

    That being said, I think the country has lost site of the fact that this woman is not running for president, only promoting the guy who is. When your potential VP is getting more publicity than your potential president, I think it may be time to ask yourself if your presidential nominee was really the right choice.

  9. Great and Yes.

  10. The democrats hate her the republicans love her.I like her but want to hear her debate and see what she can do.

  11. She is an amazing lady I think. She also has more executive experience than Obama has. The elite media already picked Obama for our president. The people though decide in November.

  12. She will make a good cheerleader for right wing troglodytes. She has neither the intellect nor experience to be on an international stage. Being mayor of a small town, elected in a landslide with 895 votes, does not qualify one to handle the affairs of 300 million. Being governor of a state with fewer people and problems than our top 10 metropolitan areas wont help her either. Most of all her rightwing foibles that make her laud creationism, eschew the teaching of s*x education, and declare the "war" in Iraq as a task from God makes me think she's not quite all there.

    I think she's probably a bulldog at basketball, a moose at soccer, and hopefully not a d**k Cheney at moose hunting.  

  13. sarah palin as our VP?  thanks but no thanks.  

  14. uhhhhhhhhhhh no

  15. Palin is serving the role of Dan Quayle here. People liked him because he was young and handsome. Palin is young and attractive, and a woman. I lived in Alaska during her election year, and no, I don't like her at all. She is under investigation for ethics violations. She is married to a guy who works with BP oil. Her "executive experience" is mayor of Wasilla where the 2 most sold items are pot, and duct tape. Oh, and enjoy this quote!

    "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I'm used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we're trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question."

    You're telling me that a Governor with great "executive experience" doesn't know what the VP's job is? I hope somebody explained it to her before she accepted it! Is this the person you want to be the second in command if McCain's very questionable health gives out?

    I also know that she loves to play her active mom card. Well, she has a 4 month old child with downs syndrome and just accepted a VP bid? Does that say family woman? What about how, during her gubernatorial election, while bragging about how involved in her children's lives she is, couldn't even name their soccer team, or identify their favorite color? What kind of values is she really promoting here? Ambition.

  16. I think there are a h**l of a lot better qualified women who John McCain could have picked, Republican women serving now in the House or Senate, who are well-respected and have clean records.

    Sarah Palin got elected on a reform platform and it looks like she is just as unethical as the people she ran out of office. She has a pregnant teenage daughter who was (if not still is) a heavy drinker and pot smoking party girl and this doesn't exactly set a good example to the Christian conservatives needed by the Republican Part to win in November.

    Sarah Palin was a horrible choice.

    If McCain had wanted to chose a woman as his running mate why not have picked Kay Hutchison (from my state and well-experienced and respected), Liddy Dole (probably too old), Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe or Lisa Murkowski, all Republican women with experience on the national level?

    EDIT: GEW, the Democrats don't hate her. In fact, most love the fact that McCain picked such an easy target, such a perfect example of poor timing and impulsive choice. She may be the final straw that finally gives presidency back to the Democratics.

  17. no... she knows more about telling jokes than about the issues...

  18. I think she will be a great VP!

    She has more qualifications than any other VP nominee ever has.

  19. Read the link:

    Palin and the words of "Iraqi War is God's plan";...

    Palin and Israel Lobbist:;...

    My opinion is that she's creepy and absurd and Republican's slogan of "Country First" is propaganda for "Israel First"

  20. Sarah Palin as a VP is laugh out loud funny! Well, it would be funny if it weren't so nauseating! As a woman, I feel disappointed that McCain would pick this CLOWN! Really poor choice! John McCain spent weeks claiming Barack Obama was unready to lead, then chose her as his running mate -- and potential leader of the free world. A woman who until six years ago was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population: 5,469.

    Then as Governor, Sarah Palin was for the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" before she was against it, a change of position she ignored Saturday when she bragged about telling Congress "thanks but no thanks" to the pork barrel project.

    Not to mention that most women I have listened to are insulted that she would make that ''It turns out that the women in America aren't finished yet, and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all.' comment.... Who the F are you!?!?!? Hillary Clinton = 18 million cracks

    Sarah Palin = 0 cracks

    Gov. Palin and Sen. Clinton 'could hardly be less alike'

    But- way to proudly take credit for something that you had NOTHING to do with.... Also, maybe next time the V.P. candidate shouldn't be under investigation for corruption by her state.


  21. The only thing she would be good for is a spread in a Playboy dedicated to MILFs. In terms of politics, she is as ridiculous a choice as Dumbya or McSame - absolutely no qualification, capability, competence or quality of any kind.

  22. No, I think she'll make a horrible VP.  In her own words, Thanks but Nooooo Thanks.

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