
What do you think about the accident at Six Flags which ended in the decapitation of a 17-year-old?

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According to the news, the teenage boy climbed two fences (both clearly stated danger, do not pass, off limits, etc.) into a restricted zone and the passing roller coaster Batman decapitated him. What do you think he was doing? What would you think/how would you feel if you were his parents? A girl who was a witness/in the area said it sounded like a popping sound. Overall, it sounds like a very gross accident. I think this boy deserves a Darwin Award.




  1. i think this is very sad.

    my saying is..

    u can always buy a new hat;

    but u cant buy another life.

    that was a very dangerous task.

    he could have asked a worker to shut

    the ride down for a mintute so the worker

    could retrieve his hat.

    and this whole thing could have been avoided.

    + he should'nt of had his hat on the ride.

    it specifically says KEEP ALL LOOSE ITEMS


    i am sorry for his wrong judgement =[

    may he rest in peace.

  2. I really think it was ignorant. How can you go into an area that says " DANGER"! Comoe on,...common sense.. i think a 17 year old should know His boundaries.. I mean if i were his parents, i would have a different perspective.. but u know the boy had it coming,... and probably the parents cannot take that in that their boy decided to go into a restricted area. I feel bad for thee peeps who had to see that.. Having fun then all of a sudden they are now apart of a death investigation.... Its horrible.. but the boy had it coming..

  3. The boy was trying to retrieve his hat that he had lost from riding the Batman ride.

    If I was his parents I would be in mourning. Grant it, the whole thing could have been avoided if he had just read the signs. No matter what.....a life lost is still a life lost. Not to mention its a horrible way to die.

    If I had been at the park when that incident happend I would have lost That is something you can't just get over.

  4. i feel sorry for his family. he made a poor decision. and in the end its his family that has to pay for it. i mean, they lost a child/brother/etc. and for a hat. its just sad.

    But my question is why did he not pay attention to the fences and signs? did he really think they were just there for decoration? we will never know.

  5. That was like the saddest thing ever. Not to mention a good friend of his saw it all happend. Even though you shouldn't speak ill about the dead it was his fault and his fault only. He could've bought another hat but he chose to do something stupid and dangerous. In which the result was his life.

  6. i don't understand how this hat could be so important that it's worth taking all these risks. it was totally his fault.

  7. I think he should have realized if TWO fences are telling you NOT to pass because it's dangerous, he should have listened. Even if he was just trying to get his hat like the first person said, it's not worth jumping two fences marked DANGEROUS to get it.

    His parents are probably in extreme pain right now, and I feel for them. I don't think I can even imagine the pain of someone calling to say your son has been decapitated. It's a tragic, unfortunate event, although I think the boy should have obeyed the signs.

  8. even though it is a very tragic incident . i think it was only he who should be blamed.

    May his soul rest in peace

  9. The boy was trying to get his hat that flew off during the ride.  I heard that on the news.  If I were his parents I would be devistated right now becuase I lost my son but I would not be angry with the park because they did have up a fence.  I also herd on the news that a girl herd something pop when the coaster hit him.  I just dont understand why a person would do somethiing as studi[p as going under a ride.  Definatly a Darwin award winner.

  10. ew...but thats sorta his fault, even though he did die in a tragic way...

  11. If I want to avoid trouble I stay where I'm supposed to be.

  12. i think he wasn't going in there to die. even though signs clearly state not to enter, there's gotta be some sort of security guard in that area to prevent things like that from happening. its messed up. he was like with a youth group. man.

  13. Was he an organ donor? Some countries pay big bucks for 17-year-old organs. His parents must have made a fortune.

  14. Ive been to 6 Flags once. It seemed like the workers their didnt do their jobs well at all. So even when you can say it was all the boys fault, i think it could have been the workers at 6 Flags fault. I mean you cant tell me there was no workers watching that could have said excuse me what do you think you are doing? Maybe 6 Flags should have people on patrol keeping a close eye on the rides so nothing like this happens again.

  15. I live in Georgia and have gone to Six Flags in Atlanta many a times. Their are so many rumors circulating as to why he did it. On our local news here in Georgia they have only reported that he and a friend jumped the fences in hopes of a short cut to re-enter the park. Teenagers a lot of times do things without thinking first. Think about how many teenagers every year jump fences into restricted areas just for fun or for the thrill? More often than not. Unfortunately this bad decision ended in tragedy. I just feel bad for those who were on the ride. That must have been pretty traumatic. I hope Six Flags pays for their therapy sessions.

  16. i wish the article they printed wasn't so graphic. did they really have to go into THAT much detail. i mean, "boy jumps fence, hit by roller coater, died instantly" that would have been fine. the media has no concept of TMI anymore. no wonder everyone is on anti-depressants and sh*t.

  17. The boy and his cousin (19) were coming back from the parking lot. They, instead of going through the normal fence with the line, decided to go that way to get to their next ride, which was the Batman Ride. They found the boy's body beneath the ride. I have no idea what the cousin did. A hat wasn't the reason.

    I don't like your sarcasm about it, but I do agree that it was pretty stupid of them. They don't even have age to blame it on because I'm 17 and I sure and h**l have enough sense not to go into a restricted area with a 50 mph machine going over and around in it. I wish he would have thought out his decision, I wish his cousin would have had more sense since he's older. I wish that his family didn't have to bury him now and that their saturday had ended like they'd expected it too: with laughs and reminceses about the day. I wish that he hadn't lost his life. I couldn't imagine not living after the age I am now, I have too much I want to do. But..what can I say. I hope his family can cope with this in due time, and any one that saw it happen. That won't be forgotten easily.

    I also think that the entire park should have been shut down, personally. I feel it's a bit tactless for people to still be having fun and stuff after someone has lost their life in such a graphic way. I also think it's weird that it's not the first time something has happened at the Batman ride before. A worker was killed too apparently, once, he was hit in the head by one of the rider's legs. It's just a bit weird to me.

    Personally I hate theme parks, I don't like rollercoasters, and I'd rather keep my feet on the ground. But that's totally off subject.


  18. Very very sad... but "the teenage boy climbed two fences (both clearly stated danger, do not pass, off limits, etc.) "...... it could have so easily been prevented... how much more precautions do they need to take...

  19. Sad. I can't be too critical, I think I've done much dumber things and some how gotten away with it. It's tragic, really. Having said that, I sure hope they don't try and sue the park for their kid's mistake.

  20. he lost his hat and tried to get it

    it was pretty bad

    his head flew off

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