
What do you think about the agriculture industry in American society?

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Is our agriculture lacking something? Or is it fine going the direction that it is going? What direction do you think that our agriculture is headed? Are there ways that we could improve the production of agriculture? What are they?




  1.'ve posted this question three different times, in three different sections....once in the Homework section.

    Perhaps you should do your own homework, and develop your own thoughts about American agriculture.  After all it feeds you three times a day..........


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  2. There is a bigger thing to consider here and as Garnet mentioned, is one that requires your thoughts and your understanding of the big picture. In the affluent western cultures there is a different attitude toward food and agriculture. Look at your plate tonight when you sit with your family for a meal. Look in your pantry. When you go to any store, not just food stores, what do you see? It is all the same with regards to one thing. What do you see or answer to these questions if you live in any other 20 countries on this planet? Can you imagine these trends continuing? It would seem that is the point of your question. You specify American society and as much as I hate to say it, things are not as bright as they might appear and the tarnish grows alarmingly. But the bright side is that there is an attempt to make necessary changes, but from all you have seen, is it too little too late, or just slow gaining momentum, or are the affluent fooling themselves, or wringing their hands in private as the newspapers hint at a slipping standing, that we are not keeping up? Should we worry?

  3. My fiancee just arrived from Australia.  She's continually amazed at the wide variety of food avaliable and how inexpensive food is here.  Nuff said!

  4. Ned,

    Our farming is based on supply and demand.  If an agricultural product is in low supply and there is more demand then it tends to increase the price and more is produced.  The reverse is true of decreased pricing.  

    More and more of our family farms in the 100 - 200 acre variety are being bought by corporate farming entities.  They operate on the premise I just mentioned.  They also are very aware of being cost effective.  That reduces the use of pesticides and over feritilizing.  These practices are good for the economy and the environment.

    The smaller farms can operate in much the same fashion but many don't.  Our farms feed many more than what they did in the past and would say it is yet to be determined if U.S. agriculture has maxed out or not.  I would be the first to say that modern technology can and will increase productivity not just here but everywhere.  A good example is cotton that has been genetically modified to do well in arid regions with little rain.  Crop research continues and will as the earth's population continues to increase and there is a demand for agricultural products.

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