
What do you think about the airline Eco-Scandal that has environmentalist's panties in a bunch?

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American Airlines Flew 5 people to London from America on a 747. Seems to have alot of activists upset.




  1. Not much different than all the enviro-elites jetsetting to Bali to have an "environmental meeting".

  2. I doubt American Airlines is any happier about having to fly 5 people on the Jet.  Sometimes things like that happen.  Same principle as a movie theater still running the show when only two people show up or a restaurant staying open for 1 customer.  

    In certain businesses, when you lose a customer, you lose them for life and as much as you hate wasting the resources you still find yourself willing to do so to make the customer happy.  

    I'm not saying it was right or wrong, I'm just saying things happen and sometimes there's nothing you can do about it.

  3. Well let's see, they used 22,000 gallons of fuel to transport 5 people from Chicago to London.  That's 4,400 gallons per person, or the equivalent of driving 132,000 miles in a 30 mpg car.

    So in one day these 5 passengers each burned the equivalent fuel of 10 average years of driving.  

    "It is estimated that each passenger produced 43 tons of CO2 – consuming enough fuel to carry a Ford Mondeo around the world five times."

    I understand that the airline needed the plane in London to take passengers back the other way, but I certainly understand why environmentalists are upset about that massive waste.  The airline should have seen this problem coming and adjusted to avoid it.

  4. And you're not upset?  What kind of person are you?

  5. "panties in a bunch" sounds like you think environmentalists are upset over nothing.

    OK, I am an old person.  I am no tree hugger, really. BUT, I remember when I was a kid (in the 1960's) we had days when we were required to stay inside at school, because the air pollution was so bad.

    What happened was that a bunch of activists got their panties in a bunch, and made so much of a fuss that all the oil companies were required to make all gasoline Unleaded.  Now kids can breathe.

    Point is that apathetic people like me & you don't get stuff done.  It is those darn rabble rousers that do.

  6. Seems like a waste of gas to me too!

  7. Here we go again.  These "activists" really need to get a life!  These little "Al Gore" clones and their carbon footprint arguments are really starting to sound like an old and broken record.  Any sane and reasonable person could write pages to show the absurdity of their logic.  h**l, even I could but I am somewhat lazy so I'll be brief.  Consider private jets and even private yachts.  Tens of thousands of individuals travel the world in these each and every day.  Much more fuel is used in operating these machines than the rare underfilled commercial flight.  These fortunate passengers had the unique opportunity to basically fly in a private jet for the first, and probably only, time in their lives.  Good for them!  If you want to worry about anything, feel for the airline industry.  Being forced to fly an aircraft from the U.S. to Europe with such a light load is indicative more of the trouble the industry is in and tourism as a whole.  Any rationale person knows that the airlines would not do this unless there was no other option.  Sorry Mr. Travolta...I guess you can no longer fly your private 707 jet anymore unless you pack in the masses.  Mr. Norman, your yacht cannot leave the harbor until you max out its occupancy for a vessel of this size.  LOL  Find something else to fill your empty lives with you "activists".

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