
What do you think about the color green.?? [MUST ANSWER THIS.!!]?

by  |  earlier

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when i mean green, i mean of course what some may call "MARIJUANA".

what is your opion on it.

do you think its bad to smoke it.?

do you think it should be legalized.?

have you ever done it.?

anything. just any kind of opinion you have about it.

[[i personally dont think its bad. i think it was put here by god and it was a happy gift from him to us. think about this: what are acid and meth and pills.? they are man made. weed is a natural thing. sure people add things to it in the process, but im talking pure bread. so... whats so bad about it if were just being one with nature....???]]




  1. Marijuana is the best green stuff God put on this planet and it should be legalized.  I think weed is one of the safest herbs out there.   You are right about those man altered garbage pharmaceuticals too, they are the true drugs (even worse than acid and meth sometimes) and in most instances do people waaaaay more harm than any kind of good.  I use only natural remedies and stay as far away from any synthetic or modified c**p as I am able.

  2. Green is my favorite color.

    Natural things are are not smokes.

    Natural is Natural.

    I wanted but i cannot.

    No Opinions.

  3. 1> Afraid so. I hate myself for this but I know what I see  and have seen and I trust my instincts on this one.

    2> No it shouldn't be legalized.

    3> Numerously when I was younger, a few times since, Not since I moved to China.

    4> Opinion. I love weed. I like the high, I like the increased sexual feeling and I love laughing when high. But. Pot takes away a couple things that we need. !> drive, the desire to imrove ourselves. Every regular stoner I know has severely reduce ambition and drive in life. 2>I believe it is a gateway drug. Start with pot, move on over to crank, then needles start appearing. 3> Finally the fact you smoke it. It's gotta be bad for the lungs.  

    Sorry to crash your party, feel free to flame the c**p outta me, But I stand on my opinion.

  4. We just need to point out how much taxes this stuff could generate.  America needs to shift the money spent on prisons to treatment.

    90% of the prison population is there for drugs.  It pisses me off that my tax dollars is spent to warehouse people for drugs.

  5. [i personally dont think its bad. i think it was put here by god and god is good and so is erverything else natural . it should be legalized  its alot safer than booze and beer  and how many times have u honestly heard of a pothead  being beligerant in public or crashing their car into some family?

  6. Cigarettes and alcohol are both legal.

    Everyone knows (even us smokers) that cigarettes are not healthy for you.  Increased risk for a variety of cancers, it smells, there's really no actual benefits to it, it has a whole bunch of added chemicals, and so on.  There isn't nearly this kind of evidence supporting the fact that weed is 'bad' for you (although it might be).  So if cigarettes are legal, why isn't weed?

    Of course the answer is that 'weed alters your state of consciousness' (the high).  So we move on to alcohol.

    Alcohol impairs judgments (driving, going home with the "hot" guy from the bar (or girl), speech, movement, etc.,).  Excessive alcohol consumption also raises the risk of a variety of cancers.  It also smells and do we really know what goes into making the alcohol we enjoy so much? I don't, and I don't really want to.  Of course, alcohol is fun, and the vast majority of people who drink, don't do so excessively, but nonetheless.  I raise the question again, if alcohol is legal, why isn't weed?

    Food for thought:

    How many stories have you heard about violent, abusive alcoholics?  Now compare to how many stories you've heard about violent, abusive pot-smokers (not people who are on other drugs, people who only smoke weed).

    As to legalization from a government perspective:

    (1) There is a HUGE market for marijuana

    (2) It being illegal just means people are buying from unreputable sources, not that people aren't buying

    (3) can we say TAXES?

    (4) legalize a product and they would actually have more control over it than they do now.  Think about prohibition... it didn't stop people from drinking, it just meant people made their own alcohol (moonshine!!), which was generally A LOT stronger, and that the government lost out on a lot of tax dollars.

  7. DUDE, I agree with you

    green is green all natural!

    there is no shinfo about it


    btw ily

    can i touch you?

  8. .....kinda seems like a waste of time to me.

    Never done it and never will. It wouldn't bother me if it was legal but honestly....... what good is it? It might make you feel good but so does a whole bunch of other stuff (puppies, fresh sheets, sports) that don't kill brian cells.

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