
What do you think about the coming draft?

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You know it is pretty much inevitable. We are constantly talking about war with Iran. Where are we supposed to get the troops?




  1. I doubt that Iran is going to be very happy about Bush's sanctions.  I am more concerned that Israel will make the first move and Bush will have his excuse to back them up and go to war with Iran.  I am also concerned that Russia, China and Syria will back up Iran.  Why don't people see that Bush is rattling the swords again, even though Intel says Iran gave up making the bomb in 2003.  It's like Iraq and WMD's all over again, and I'm not falling for it this time!  Whenever you follow the money, it leads right back to Bush and Cheney!

    ADD:  I don't know where "jeeper_p got his information, but  I lived through WW II and had three brothers in the service.  One enlisted in the Naval AF,which was lengthy training.  The other two were drafted.  One was unmarried and the other married with a pregnant wife.  They spent a few months in boot camp and were then put on a ship to England.  All three came home, when the war ended, but their training was pretty much while on duty in Belgium, Poland, France and Germany.

  2. Hoping it won't happen.

    It has been spoken about by the powers that be ... see here.

    Read it and ask yourself whether "you feel a draft".

  3. only democrats want a draft, in order to stir up anti war sentiment. vote republican and you wont have to worry about it.

  4. Franco is correct.  The US is NOT chomping at the bit to start a war.  Never had*, never will (I hope)...despite narrow-minded conspiracy freaks' comments to the contrary.  Read an unopinionated history of the United States, then you'll know why we go to war.  Warriors hate war...they just prepare for it.  

    * With the possible exception of the Spanish-American War.  But then you'd have to look into the media about that (See William Randolf Hearst).

  5. There is no coming draft. War with Iran would be counter productive to the interests of the United States.

  6. Who said anything about a draft? I will volunteer so you can keep your little butt safe.

  7. We may well need a draft to put troops into Afghanistan.

    To those who say America never wanted war, never would start a war, and is lead by rational honest people, I say I agreed with you, until 2000.

  8. Is that the same as the coming draft we were supposed to have if Bush was reelected ?

    Remember back in 2004, when the Left swore, Bush was gonna start a draft, if he was reelected.

    And what war with Iran ?

    We are going on the third year, the Left has sworn that Bush was gonna attack Iran.

    Before that, they were swearing Bush was gonna attack Syria.


    People have no concept of what a draft actually is.

    A draft, does not INCREASE the size of the military. !!!!!!

    Only Congress can do that.

    A draft, just lets the military compel people to enlist, if there are not enough volunteers.

    Even during Vietnam, less than 6% of the draft eligible men, were actually drafted.

    But even with a draft, it would take two years, before the military was apprecable larger, even if Congress authorized the military to expand by several hundred thousand.

    People tend to forget,. just how long it takes to form a new military unit.

    Even in WW ll, it took 2 1/2 years to form a new Division.

  9. Don't wory, I don't think they'll bring the draft back. There's too much opposition to it. This is dragged out every election by the DemocRats.

  10. I know everyone will think this is mental but why don't we get all the killers and mass murders from the jails give them guns and tell them if they make it back from Iran then they are free to go. I mean they are already use to killing.

  11. Can't happen, women would legally be equally liable now and they would never wear it. (curtailment of their freedom that is)  Also a 50%/50% MF conscripted military would be worse than useless.

    The US is after the control of the whole Middle East before China and India buy up all the oil but as occupying one major oil country demonstrates chaos only leads to uncertainty which markets hate so the price is driven ever higher.  The US has plenty of troops but they are for show not for dying en mass like the other side is quite happy to do.

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