
What do you think about the dog who saved that baby's life?

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  1. Awww. That is so sweet.

    Very amazing, man's best friend comes to mind.

  2. The dog is a hero to me. It a mother to her puppies the dog be best friend baby. I think when that baby get older it would thank that dog for keeping it warm and alive.

  3. A dog had more sense and compassion than the human mother.  And yet, the poor dog is the one that is thrown into shelters when it's not convenient to be owned by the human.

    I read about some feral children who were raised from a young age (although not this young), by dogs.  Apparently nursing cats and dogs will often nurse other creatures.

    I think we could all learn about love, responsibility, and diversity from this dog.

  4. Wow, that is...amazing! It's a real miracle, that dog is such a hero!

  5. A real life Lassie.  How cute.

  6. i think its amazing and truly highlights the fact that dog is man's best friend

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