
What do you think about the economy affecting people's choice to feed or not feed their pets?

by Guest45426  |  earlier

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CNN had a video today showing people due to the bad economy and high gas prices, making the choice to cut pet food from their budget. The choice being food for your dog or food for your own table. This was bad to the point that some activists set up pet food banks in town to help poor individuals faced with this dilemma of not being able to feed their pets.

I get it, but at the same time I don't. I just don't see how such a small percentage of what it costs a pet to eat vs. what a person eats a day that a pet owner would neglect to buy a bag of dog food. The amount of gas you probably drive over to the food bank, you could probably have bought half a bag of dog food during your grocery visit. It costs what? 70 cents a day to feed a pet vs. feeding an individual in a family $12 to $15? I suppose I just don't see how the economy is causing that much damage to cut out a pet's feeding. Now if it's like that all the time, maybe one shouldn't own the pet in the first place.

How do you feel about it?




  1. Most often they shouldn't have a pet in the first place.

  2. If your financial situation is bad enough that a turn in the economy might mean not having enough money for should not have pets to begin with.

  3. I'd never not feed my pets or family those are not options. But I would stop going out to eat and other extra-curricular activities.  Some people still want to maintain their freedom as opposed to keeping their pets.  It's sad.  I will say this with the way everything is right now I have put off getting another dog or ferret for a little while.  

  4. I did not see the video you are referring to, however, I read this article some time ago and it really strike a chord.

    I feel the pain suffered by some people especially seniors on assisted living programs of relying on social security benefits. Sometimes, they have to make a choice of either abandoning their pets, rehoming them or simply PTS because they could no longer care for them. It is very easy for us to point fingers and say that if those people cannot afford a pet, they should not have gotten one in the first place. The fact is, their pets have been with them through thick and thin, they are part of family, and when situations like these arise, it really hurts to have to choose between the pet's food or their own medical needs/food.

    However, there are people who place their pet's interest before anything else. And we should not chastised them for going to pet food banks so they can still feed their pets. I do sympathize with those who are living at bare minimum and wish more could be done for them. However, for people who choose to ignore their pet's medical needs, that is a different story after all.

  5. I agree.  A pet needs food whether you have the money or not.  Its wrong to not feed your pet even if the economy is bad.  They are apart of your family and you feed your family.  We traded our SUV for a Hyundai and now we have no gas concerns.  People just need to change the way they live.

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