
What do you think about the fight on school bus?

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that happened in gilbert az last week. do you think the girl or driver was wrong. if you live in az they will be talking about it @10 on abc15. I think the mom is going after the driver to have her fired but i think the girl was being a spoiled brat showing off for all the other kids on the bus.




  1. the driver was the adult, it could of all been avoided, parents were knocking on the bus door and she wouldn't open it.

  2. I think the bus driver shoudl have called 911 immediately.  Who doesn't have a cell phone these days?  At no point in time, shoudl an adult get the idea that it is okay to kick a child's ***.  The girl was most likely showing off to her peers.  Now, the bus driver will face child endangerment charges or aggravated whether it was self-defense or not.

    If I were the parent of the other students on the bus, I would want that bus driver fired.  I woudl think that this adult has no self control and I would not trust my children in her care even if they were 16 years old.  I should not have to worry about me having to kick a professional's *** because of my children were placed in harm's way.

  3. It's really sad when a school kid can't beat the h**l out of a bus driver. When I was in school we took out a driver a week.

  4. The student was the instigator but maybe the bus driver didn't handle the situation as well as she might have.

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