
What do you think about the gamo big cat for a good plinking gun under $200

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i want a real accurate gun under $200 with alot of power to pest controll with




  1. BEST GUN--- i have 2 of them 1 sighted in at 25 yards and one sighted in at  40yards, i'm shooting 1 hole shots at 30 yards..... its a flat shooting gun, meaning that theirs not much tergectory(which is good) it says that it shoot 1000FPS with lead but , i've already put it through a crono at 1180FPS.... Dont shoot those light asss PBA pellets because the gun doesnt like them that much, couldnt get eighter  of mine to get sighted in good with the PBA's...i Shoot 7.9 crosman premier hollow points and the super points(super points 4 longer ranges[40+]) i've already shot 2 foxes on 2 different occasions and both were 25 yards and i shot them and they droped and didnt move, i've already shot woodchucks out to 35 yards with no problem. and squirrels LOL I even use this gun 4 trapping. i have a 3-9x40 scope on the one and a 6-24x40(i think its 40) one the other..... Wonderful gun overall

  2. ...........

    ....You really need to just pick a dang gun......

    You ask SO many questions about different guns.....

    I know its hard to decide but just pick one they are all VERY powerful AND accurate. Gamo whispers, CFX's , Big Cat's, ...... yada yada yada.....


  3. it is OK but for that kind of money you can get a good 22lr that will outperform it

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