
What do you think about the global warming :?

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What do you think about the global warming :?




  1. I think it a load of c**p! Ask yourself this question Can you see the ozone layer? Supposedly the ozone layer is depleting and that's why we have global warming, but ask someone to point out the ozone layer on the globe. Oh, I'm sorry they can't do that because it's "invisible". Oh that's right because we should believe that the invisible line that noone can see is fading away. Scientists are liars. There is no ozone layer hence,no global warming!

  2. Global warming and changes in climate are natural events on the Earth, and there is very little if anything we can do about it. Actually, global average temperatures peaked in 1998, and they have been on a general cooling trend since then.  The Earth and it's atmosphere are a very dynamic and relatively little understood system which has natural balancing mechanisms, though it can take many years to compensate changes.

    That said, I still believe we should find/develop new energy sources and do what we can to simply reduce waste.

  3. considering it's been cooler here than usual i'm gonna have to ask where is this global warming?

  4. It actually more accurate to call it "Global climate destabilization"

    people say "oh its not getting hotter", or "its only getting a little hotter" but we know for a fact glaciers are melting salt-less water into the ocean which will eventually upset the current and fizzle some shizzle up if you know what i mean.

    everything seems normal now but thats what they expect if we really are in trouble.

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