
What do you think about the highly unusual baby name Destry for a boy?

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I like Dusty but my last name is Bell and it would be silly...I found this on a list of celebrity baby names and it is Steven Speilberg's child's name. I am having a boy in a week and don't have a name.

The other names I would consider are:





I like unusual names but don't want my kid to hate me. I think Destry is a cool name and I've NEVER heard of it. This is my fourth baby so I feel like I've been through all the baby names in the world many times over, but never heard of this one. There is one thing I don't like about it but I am not going to say, just to see if someone else has the same idea as me.

If anyone knows any unusual but still awesome names, please tell me. I am running out of time and don't want to be stuck in the hospital looking through baby name books like last time!





  1. Destry is very uncommon and i actually think its very nice but i think i know what your thinking because it sounds like destroy, but i don't think you will have to worry about it. Even though its unusual its more cute than not. Anthony or Samir Bell is really cute also.

  2. how about Dusten "dusty" Bell

  3. I really like Rio! It's very unusual and unique not like Destry. Umm sorry it looks made up. But I like Rio! Rio Bell has a nice ring to it.

  4. I personally like Memphis better...

  5. be honest i don't really like any of the names! Out of those Rio is the best! Sorry!

    Here some other options:





    um...that's all i can think of right now!

  6. "Destry Rides Again" was an old western movie about a guy who was a former sheriff, but was framed and jailed.  When he got out, he went searching for the bad guys.

    The movie was remade at least once, and it also was made into a TV series.

    Speaking as an adult male, I'd have been OK with Destry, or with Emmett.  The others on your list wouldn't have gone down well with me, but of course, it's a matter of personal opinion.  

  7. Out of all those names Rio is the best.When you think about naming your child remember what you wrote.... you don't want them to hate you when they get older.

  8. I think you do have to consider if a child will like it or not...also, at first I thought the name Destry sounded like it was for a girl.  I can understand liking unusual names, but sometimes it makes it hard for the person who has to carry the name throughout their lives.

    I'm not crazy about the other names on your list either, but it's your child and you should choose.  Good luck with the baby and Congrats.

  9. i like Destry...Des for short or Dustin.

    Emmett and Marlon or Marlin are also good.

  10. Destry makes me think of the word Destroy lol is kinda neat though. I really like the name Emmett. I also like the name Calypso (Cal for short) and Bazyli (Zee for short)...I think they are totally original.

    CONGRATS!! and goodluck!

    Oooo I really like it Destree! Thats looks awsome! I would totally pick that if I were you! Destree Bell sounds so unique and cool. It is up to you but I love it way more now that you spell it that way.

  11. ooooooooooo

    i like that name

  12. destry is quite cool. maybe the spelling destree is better.

    not memphis. memphis belle is a war film!

  13. omg..i LOOOOOVE the name memphis! ive never heard of that before, it sounds so cool!

    good luck & god bless!


  14. I actually really like Destry, but I think if you spell it Destree or Destrie it looks too girly, so leave it like it is.

    Also, the name Emmet is adorable!

    Don't really like Emeril or Merlin or Memphis or Rio for that matter, especially not Emeril reminds me of the chef.

    Good luck!

  15. You like Dusty, why not go for Dustin. I don't care for Destry, but my kids names are Eric, Benjamin, Julia and Joseph. I go for the traditional names.

    Try not to give your child a name he'll be teased for.

    I think Memphis is ok.

    Emeril..... people will think you've named him after Emeril.

    Marlin and Merlin is a fish. and the clown fish on Nemo.

    Sorry for the negative feedback...

  16. Destry is actually a cool name, but it makes me think of Destroy, sorry. I like the name Emmett, and if you need another version, Everett.

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