
What do you think about the holocust?

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what do you think about it?

I just wanna know what people think about it

please dont say anything rude

just say an opinion




  1. Well, to state the obvious, it was one of the most horrible events in the history of the world.

  2. *screams* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...









  3. I think it was a horrible, racist, selfish, just such a horrible thing. People suffered from the freezing cold, starvation, and many other things. Mothers and fathers, had to watch their kids die. Kids had to watch their parents, and family get shot in the head, work to death, cry their heart out from depression, and just from the the sadness, and just indescribable things. Everything was just, i dont know, but everything the people did, was suffer horribly, and hope to survive.

  4. the way all the Gypsies in the eastern European states were executed was horrible, and nobody speaks much about them, I have a friend that was a war child, she was very young, she walked from poland to france with thousands of children of ethnic backgrounds, most were gypsies or muslims or jews, all persecuted by the germans, but they knew, when the russians came it would be a more horrible life or death.

  5. horrific





  6. that was the worst display of inhumanity in the history of the god damned universe!!

  7. Unspeakable evil! I am reminded of a quote "whoever does not know the past is doomed to repeat it". If any know the word of God you know that in the last days their will be wars and rumors of wars, famine and pestilence. I have been looking into a few things. Sure seams to me that BIG corporations (BIG BROTHER - for whoever have not put 2 and 2 together) are working hard to make a new holocaust only world wide this time. Prise God even though this world has turn hard from Him, He sent us His only begotten Son to make atonement for our sin.

    Main point - History repeats it self... Even today things (that our media wont cover)  too terrible to speak about are happing on our watch.


    Bless you in Jesus' name.

  8. it was cruel

  9. Total bummer.

  10. It happened.  It also I believe is the worst thing that has happened in our recent history.  I mean in the last 100 years by recent.

  11. it was just f***** up.

    it was the worst type of death of the human race to have ever existed

    I would always think, what if the holocaust never even happened? so many kids would have a chance at  life...

  12. There are so many ways to describe the Holocaust. Above all things, it was the most horrible display of inhumanity in our history. Adolf Hitler blamed others for his own problems, then for all of the problems in Germany- and people listened.

    People had cruel medical experiments done on them, and many died of starvation, mistreatment, or executions. There were no candles lit or prayers said in their memory.

    Just think of being put through that and what words come to mind? Horrible? Cruel? Inhumane?

  13. We must remember this event, and then we must awaken to these types of events as they are occurring today. And yes, they are on several continents. We call it many names, genocide, enduring freedom, ethnic cleansing, democracy, free trade, etc.

    It is truly a shame that this a depth humanity can sink to, when we can be and are so much better than this.

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