
What do you think about the jonas brothers?

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personally im in love with them but im wondering other ppls opinions




  1. i dont like their music


  3. I don't see the appeal in the Jonas Brothers.  Same with Miley Cyrus.  I don't know why people are in love with them so much...

  4. Your not 'In love' with them...You have a celebrity crush...I hate them..Loathe them, and hope they last just a few more months. They're pathetic, with even more pathetic fans. They have no talent, and all of their songs suck.

  5. they suck

  6. i like that song "burnin' up"

    and "a little bit longer",

    im not a fan of their older stuff tho

  7. :] Yep<3!

    They're so cute and awesome :]

  8. i luv them

    nick is my fav though

    he's cute and hot and sweet

  9. I think that they are overrated! I personaly dont think that they deserve as much fame as they have! Sure, they arent bad singers but the only reason that girls like them is because of there looks! I think that people shouldnt hate them but they just dont deserve so much fame!!

  10. I'm sure they are nice boys, but their music is painful and their fanatics need to be institutionalized for everyone-else's sanity.

  11. I think people ask to many questions about them.

  12. not much. little talent, very childish, loud and noisy.

  13. I looooooooooooooooooove them!!!!!!!!!

    Especially Nick he's soooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Honestly i hate their music, not them cause like their probably good people and all, but in my opinion they really dont deserve all their money and fame they are reciving for such simple songs

  15. they have some good songs

    and they have cool jew fros

    and i dont even think theyre jewish

    theyre cute at times, but sometimes is like thats kinda a girly shirt.

    i liked joes hair and face in camp rock but how ive seen him now kinda resembles a monkey? sorry

    i think theyre cooler than miley because they dont seek out attention like her.

    they seem nice.

    and i think its funny how kevin is always called the other one and is left out.

    i watched an interview with them on music choice and nick and joe left him out of their superhero thing

    bat man and grass man.

    the end.

  16. Uh so annoying, like Hannah Montana. They are Wannabies


    If they are supposed to be band....(which they aren't) and they suck, isn't that reason enough not to like them?

    1. They are on Disney.

    2. They are pop and b ad pop at that.

    3. Their fan girls are the most annoying things I've ever seen on the internet, literally EVER. They think we all must love them, and don't understand why we don't. THey call it rock when it should be illegeal to do so. Newsflash..I could less if anybody in the world likes my favorite bands.

    4. Their image is annoying... its a manufactured created image; this wholesome/purity ring thing that disney has created is annoying.

    5. They have a target audience which is tweens and young VERY young little girls.

    6. ANy band with that much merch is just not worth my time, they are in it to make money on everything and they are wining and sucking you.

    7. The one with diabetes is a baby.

    8. Their music is bland, musak, empty, souless, passionless; the first time I heard them I knew where the bridge and chorus would be; its very predictable and unexciting 'music'.

    9. The Jonas brothers are only famous because they are rich kids. They are sponsored by DisneyChannel for god sake, that shows how good they are. We can't let these pretty boy rich kid's music pass as rock.

    10. It's not at all rock, it bad pop plain and simple, its bubblegum and it lacks any substance lyrically or musically that I'm interested in. If you like that fine, but don't sit around wondering why I dont

  18. Disgrace to music and life....

  19. a is Hannah Montana...they dont know how to sing..a bunch of lip singing retards

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