
What do you think about the kimbo's last fight?

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What do you think about the kimbo's last fight?




  1. It shows that he is far from a fighter who should be headlining one of the most important fight cards in MMA history.  The fight was sloppy, he had NO ground game.  He layed on his back for 1:42 doing nothing to intelligently defend himself against another fighter with virtually no gorund game.  While he may be a marketing machine, but he should be an undercard fighter.

    This is not Kimbo Hate, I think he has a ton of potential, but he is not skilled enough to carry a promotion.  Folks will tune in to watch out of curiosity, but floks won't return without quality.

  2. pretty entertaining. it was a controversial win but i thought if it lasted any longer thompson guy wouldve been knocked out. and kimbo's a little overhyped and overrated just because people know about him on the internet.

  3. He basically got whooped the whole match except when he was upright trading blows with the English Slosh. That dude literally gave that match away. Maybe it was rigged. He freakin' had cauliflower ear for goodness sake!

  4. I believe the fight was rigged.  Why would you go in with an ear ready to explode?  You could see from the start where it was going.  He should have had his ear drained before the fight.  

    Bad stoppage, damaged ear to start the fight, and standing them up in the 2nd round.  Thompson was brought into lose.  Shaw is bring the corruption of boxing into MMA

  5. Kimbo got exposed as not being the massiah of MMA.  He has a TON to work on still and I think there is no way he can possibly compete with some of the elite HW jiu jitsu or wrestling practitioners.

    Based on his body type, conditioning and lack of overall quickness and flexibility I don't think he will improve that much too the point where he is one of the top HWs in the world.

  6. it showed what everybody who really watches mma already knows, that it takes a long time for a person to become a decent mma fighter.

  7. kimbo's last fight was great!

    during all the hype i told my friends i wanna see that ear pop,

    sure enough round 3, POP!

    but in all honesty the 2 girls had the best fight of the whole show

  8. The Carano fight should of been the headliner.

    Kimbo took 19 elbows to the head while he was pressed against the cage. And he wasnt defending any of that. WTH? If it was the other way around or if it was the UFC. The ref would of stopped this fight. In my opinion, Thompson should of won & did win this fight. Kimbo seems like he doesnt have any ground game. That is why he got pounded in the 2nd round.

  9. I saw a better fight the week before at Thirsty's Pub, between a fat guy and the waitress.

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