
What do you think about the latest Muslim Whingeing?

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  1. Vincent, we meet again.

    I'm Irish and we are having the very same problem here.

    For example, Schools have been advised by the Education Dept, not to display religious imagery also they were advise not to put on Nativity Plays as they are offensive to our Muslim Immigrants.

    My local Pub is called the "Black Man", it's over 90 years old.

    It got it's name from the Black Smith who worked at the rear of the Pub. The present landlord has been asked to change the name as it's offensive to our new  immigrants from Africa.

    A local police station was asked by a local Muslim representative to remove a picture of the Our Lord as his people found it offensive.

    In our University Hospital, Muslim Trainee Doctors, went on strike over all the religious imagery on display. They returned to work only when it was removed.

    Last Christmas Shopping Malls and Supermarkets were asked not  to put on display the traditional Christmas Crib.

    A Secondary teacher was suspended pending an investigation, simply for chastising a Muslim boy. He took offense at the fact that a women dared to correct him.

    Vincent, I could keep going and going.

    There is a lot of ill feeling towards Muslims  in Ireland. These  people  come to our Country as Asylum Seekers and the proceed to ridicule our Culture and Religious beliefs.

    If we in the morning went to a Muslim country would they be so accommodating to us??


    Ireland is a Christian country. Why then if they are so against everything Christian, do they come to Christian Countries to work and live??  

    Why should we change our values, morals and above all our Culture simply because Muslims don't like them???

    Why not stay in their own countries.

    It smells of Appeasement, by our Leaders.

    I don't believe that Muslims and Christians can live together.

    There is too much history between them.

    I am going to stop now Vincent as I can hear the Civil Liberties And  Civil Rights Brigade,  calling for my head.

    Good luck my friend,


  2. It sounds like a "shaggy dog" story on their behalf!

  3. They simply want to deny everything while they are enough to "conquer Europe"...

  4. that is just rediculous. What s wrong with using a dog? They do afterall use them in the police force.

  5. the uk is a nation of dog lovers if you dont like it then go live in a country where you wont be offended.

    but thats too easy, they know they wouldnt get away with whingeing like they do anywhere but in the uk

  6. Dammit I answered this earlier does this mean I'll lose points too?

    Anyway, here we go again.

    Britain Needs A Leader Like This!

                    Prime Minister John Howard - Australia

    Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

    Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture.. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'  

    'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

    'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

    'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

    'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

    'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


    'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE.. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

  7. They should follow the old saying, when in Rome. I don't think we would get away with the whingeing in a Muslim country. It's time the pc brigade got off their soap boxes.

  8. Do you know what - I no longer give a flying f... what other groups think. I know what I believe in and I'm comfortable with my values and beliefs. If people graciously granted in this country don't like it they can f... off back from whence they came.

  9. The Speech made in Australia by John Howard was sent to me by my friend out there, and she said all Australians applauded him as he tells it how it is and how its going to be. I only wish we had a Prime Minister who had the guts of this man. What a difference that would make, to our everyday living... instead of always pandering to others, the foreigners..!!

  10. I thought that I would be the last to say this about Muslims, because I have a lot of respect for their ideals.


    ''If you don't like our country, if you are upset by what we do, if you dislike our regard for animals, if you cannot tolerate the silly things in life that generally tickle us''.


    ''Go back to your country of origin, take your family and extended family with you. Never under any circumstance come back here to Britain''.

    ''Tell everyone you meet in your original country that they must not come to Britain''.

  11. geez! sensitive little buggers are'nt they.

    don't like it? DON"T LOOK AT IT!

  12. Perhaps a more salient question would be, "why did Yahoo censor you on your initial attempt?"


    "Why are so many people altering their own culture to accommodate foreign cultures?"

    Political correctness will blow up in your face!!

    It is like trying to cork a fizzing bottle. Let it fizz!

  13. They should be told very firmly that anti terrorist procedures take priority, no matter who you are.

  14. I couldnt give a toss, play by our rules or get off our pitch!

  15. Come on, this is in the Mail, how can you believe this?

    That paper will do anything to stir up religious and racial hatred, it is an abomination. Don't believe a word.

  16. I bet the majority of the muslim community couldn't give too hoots about the dog on the postcard, it's just a politician trying to look like he's doing his job by nitpicking at silly little things like that.

  17. What? I can't believe anyone is offended by that. We kinda need to stop this whole politically correct thing that is taking over everything. Sure there are things that ARE obviously offensive but I mean, come on?

    I'm astounded.

  18. i make a point of not listening to them.

    just to reciprocate them doing the same.

  19. Any Muslim that decides to live in this country knows full well that we are a nation of dog lovers. The answer is simple . If they object that much to dogs perhaps a return trip would solve their problem.Nobody asked them to come here.

  20. Poor Muslims.  I must b hard, living in a nation full of dog-lovers.

    Sort of like living in Iowa, where the people love pigs and pork.

    Just because an animal is ritually unclean, does that mean it can't be useful or cute?

    I don't want a rattlesnake in my house, but I have a nice decorative fake one that I like very much.

    Anywho, for the people who REALLY don't want a picture of a dog in their window, maybe the police will make a card with an Arabesque design on it.  Wouldn't that be pretty?

  21. At least it wasn't a picture of Mohammad. :-)

  22. They are so good at getting their own way on EVERYTHING that they consider offensive to them.

    Past masters at demanding, and getting everyone in authority to bend over backwards to apologise and try to make amends.  The thing that bothers me most is that they are so successful at it too!!!!!!!!!

  23. Apparently the Muslim faith views dogs as 'unclean' - so what's next - outlaw all pet shops that sell puppies ? sorry now but I think this faith has gone a bit far this time, they need to realise they live in the UK !!!!!!

  24. i cant believe how much oppression we are being subjected to  and why are we putting up with it.  we are British and should be allowed to live our lifes without foreigners stuffing their cultures down our throats....well done Australia my dog agrees with me on this one

  25. Apparently Muslims believe that, wait for it folks,


    Ha Ha Ha

    Isn't it about time they came in to the 21st century?

    It appears that if they come in to contact with a dog, they will also be possessed, gee i guess that explains suicide bombers, they must have stroked a dog LOL

    AND next time there is an earthquake in a Muslim country we will be sure not to send any search and rescue dogs.......

  26. remember marketing? you need to make an advert which doesnt offend anyone and obviously this is offending them. Its a skill - to be able to make a unique message without offending - i.e Coca Cola - although i do think this is a bit of a whine

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