
What do you think about the latest mars mission?

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I am really into science and just wanted to hear others thoughts about the newest trip to mars in search of ice under the martian surface.




  1. The Pheonix?  I personally am excited about it, as we are not only further learning about mars, but we are sending more and more human-sized vessels to the red planet.  I can't wait for the day we are able to send humans to the red planet!  It is a shame though, as the only news I've heard about it comes from astronomy sites and from the small news tickers.  No other details are given on FOX news or CNN as far as I've seen.

  2. It is terrible!  I wait daily, looking for new news and the media gives it very little coverage!!!

  3. Here's some of the latest news.

    For my own opinion, I think that it is great that, for less than the cost of a week's war in Iraq, we can go to Mars.


  4. i think its another waste of money by Nasa.

  5. It is pretty cool. It will be the first space craft to do chemical tests on the soil of Mars looking for organic chemicals and life since Viking in the 1970s.

  6. It didn't have any people on board, so, in a nutshell, it stunk.

  7. when the end of humatity come whaen they get astronut on mars and build a edome to exspreiment it growing crops they just need to get the cemcail in the atmoshphere and if it is breathable

  8. The thing about science takes a whole lot of patience!

    I too am very excited about every step forward that we take in this endeavour.

    The reason we don't hear a ton of info right because all the data  needs to be analyzed...studied...and analyzed...and studied again.

    This process takes time...and most important...patience.

    Don't take anything a news outlet has to say too seriously...they don't dig deep enough into these things..and they don't always give you the complete story....that's why only the the science sites...and NASA too...have all the accurate info..although only coming in bits and pieces at a time.

    Patience is the key!....don't worry...once they know enough....then so will we.

    Keep up your interest in this subject...because it is so interesting.

  9. I think that it is a great experiment.  No matter what it finds, it will expand our horizons beyond our home planet.

  10. where is the real time data? hard numeric data? pictures are for the birds... they wow you, and that is what they release them for. WHERE ARE THE NUMBERS? I WANT THE NUMBERS OR THERE WILL BE h**l TO PAY.


    edit 10 minutes later:

    we are pretty much capable of going to mars now. and in any circumstance far more able to go to mars today than we were to send men to the moon in the late 1960's and early 70's. man and woman will be going to mars in about 30-35 years from now. MSR is more important as of this moment., in fact. - as far as fox or the media of the world.... you would be only a fool to listen to one word of what they have to say. stay away from them they are bad news. all of the media world wide, extremely bad news...weaponry used on you.... carve your own path....

  11. Under such conditions, there might be some prokaryotic bacteria living on the surface of mars, but as far as finding a martian, I doubt it. Because mars isn't in the Goldilocks spectrum (according to anthropic principles), finding life equivalent to ours is very unlikely. But as I said before, there might be small micro-bacterias that are able to adapt to the extremities of mars.

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