
What do you think about the left trying to silence talk radio?

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What makes the left feel they can abolish talk radio,just because they don't like the content. What ever happened to freedom of speech. This is America people. Most of the media swings to the left on a daily basis. Why is that O.K. They need to form a left based station and debate.




  1. It's no surprise that the extreme left-wing wants to silence anyone who disagrees. It's all cleverly disguised in their "political correctness" agenda.

  2. can you give some background about what you are talking about?  Where are they trying to abolish it?

    The idea that most of media is left is simply false and laughable.

  3. Its one more example of how they think.  Its ok to have freedom of speech as long as you agree with them.

  4. Well "Talk-Radio" was okay when Air America was still on the air but since that network has pretty much taken a nose-dive into nothingness...we need to shut Rush Limbaugh up cuz he has too much influence....lunacy!

    For those that didn't catch my point...I am not a fan of Air America, I'm trying to say that everything was fair when the left had their own station but now that they don't, they wanna shut-down talk radio...

  5. the left is upset

    because knowone cares about their radio shows

  6. Though I'm a Republican, I still think for myself. I've watched a formerly happy human being turn into a reclusive, life-hating person brainwashed by Limbaugh and talk radio.

    He is so consumed by the right that he's lost the ability for any peace of mind. Now, I realize that it says something about his personal character and maybe mental defects...none of which he had beforehand. But his life is consumed by talk radio.

    I can no longer have a conversation with him because he is so angry and ONLY wants to talk politics. I feel bad for him.

  7. They don't.

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