
What do you think about the movie "across the universe"?

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some critics say that it's the worst movie ever.

what do you think?




  1. I love it. It was absolutely that best movie i've seen in a while. Besides the  Dark Knight. I even bought it on DVD, and I rarely do that so yeah it's a pretty big deal for me, and thus I &heart; the Beatles and am glad that the movies songs are from them. It ties in well I think. Critics are overrated anyways.

  2. I can think of way worse movies than this one. It was a pretty good film. I liked it.

  3. g*y movie

  4. Wait, I don't remember anyone calling it the worst movie ever.. I know alot of people didn't think it lived up to the hype it earned at some of the film festivals this year .. it's for selective taste but certainly not the worst movie.

    I myself loved it. I've watched it about 3 times already this week since it debuted on the Movie Network this week.

    The first 40 minutes when you are getting the back story of all the main characters can be a bit long, drawn out and boring at times but once they all "Come Together" the story really takes off ... by the time we reached Strawberry Fields the first time I saw it in theatres I was ready to buy another ticket to see it again.  

  5. I thought it was good.

    It does seem to be haphazardly put together though. I saw it in the theater and it was visually stunning. Even though, at that time, I wasn't that into the Beatles music, I liked the musical numbers.

    That's the problem, though. It seems like many scenes were put together just to go along with the music. Kinda like a lot of music videos put together to make one long movie.

    I didn't notice this at first, but when I got the dvd and started watching it again, it was pretty obvious. So it's not like a linear way of story telling, although it tries to be. But I still watch it and it's still enjoyable.

    It's not the worst movie ever..."Black Dahlia" takes that prize

  6. Ok. 2.5 stars.

    I thought that it was good but if I had a choice I would not watch it again. Maybe if I was like high or something, but sober nah. I just thought that whomever made this film was like on acid or something. but I think that was the point, it was the 60s.

  7. I think its quite good, not the worst movie ever!

    Not a huge fan of the Beatles, but did love the songs sang by the cast. Thought the plot and how it was put together was clever, loved the characters. The actor Jim Sturgess, hes so hot! so thats probably the reason I saw it lol

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