
What do you think about the name..

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apparently I was going to get called that, but I don't really like it (no offence if its anyones name) :D

But I wanted to know what you though, it is really bad, or is it just me?

also isnt Annabel much nicer? what do you think about that name

:) xx




  1. Both Arabella and Annebel are very beautiful names. I like Annabel better though. Now if it's your child that you're thinking of naming you should definitely go with what you like better.

  2. I agree with you

    Annabel is prettier


    Arabella is still a cute name


  3. I Love Arabella actually. it think it is Beautiful. ( i also love names ending in belle and bella)

    Annabel is pretty too. i like both

  4. I think Arabella is very pretty.

  5. I really do like Annabel.

  6. I think Arabella is a very pretty name.  I like it.  Annabel is pretty too but I prefer just Anna.

  7. i like Arabella a lot more than Annabel.

  8. Annabel just looks better spelled Annabelle.  It has more symmetry to it (2 N's, therefore 2 L's)

  9. I think they're both beautiful, but I've always liked Arabella, it's such a sweet name.

  10. Annabel is so chic for a name, it's better than Arabella

  11. I like more ANNABEL sound much nicer.

  12. I like both of them a lot. Arabella isn't that common anabel is. But I think their both pretty girl names. if I had another girl I would consider those names. Unique names are the best it makes the world less boring.  Can u imagine everyone having the same name or a name that is considered normal where's the fun in that. Your mother couldn't have went wrong with that name its very pretty!

  13. I don't like Arabella but I like Anna and Annabel.

  14. I like Annabel more but Arabella is very unique. Maybe you can combine the two, like Anarabella or Arannabel to make it more extravagant.  

  15. Annabel sounds cuter and more feminine. Arabella's fine too I think, except maybe it sounds more unique. I like both actually. =)

  16. I dont really like either of them but Annabel is the nicer one  

  17. Arabella just isnt my style of name Annabel is cute but i would go for the nickname Anna.

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