
What do you think about the nanny shows?

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Like the Nanny 911 and the most recent one Take Home Nanny.

The thing I hate most about them is that they are, I guess, against co-sleeping. In almost every episode of Take Home Nanny she is always making toddlers transition into their own bed in 3 days. That is the main thing I hate about those shows. Yeah, they can be helpful for some families.

Anyways, what do you think about those shows?




  1. yeah I hate that about them too. also, super nanny always tries to get infants on a feeding schedule. I love the show, mostly because the kids are such brats.  the nanny's obviously dont have kids! its easy to tell people how to raise their kids, its quite another thing to actually raise your own kids!!

  2. I was noticing the same thing, but more so that every family seems to be co-sleeping, but not for the right reasons, or say not from the get go (maybe out of exhaust or not caring, not sure how it struck me exactly, but it appeared the parents were more of the "alright, fine you can come sleep in our bed tonight). So in those cases, to separate isn't so bad, because the children aren't sleeping anyway! Not to mention, parents who choose to co-sleep from the beginning tend to have their children better behaved anyway and wouldn't need that help (in the majority of cases I've viewed, obviously not everyone). The one I did see though, luckily they didn't make the infant leave the bed, or I would have said something about that!!

    As for the shows being helpful, yes and no! They have good advice that I feel more parents should be listening to, that I came across on my own. Like the fact that children, although small humans, are still humans and should still be addressed as such. To be spoken to as humans not talked down to all the time, that they too have feelings, but are less capable of working through them since they don't understand them yet, or at all if the parents don't allow them to understand their emotions! To say no though, I don't think the time outs always have to be an exact time. For example, my daughter typically gets sent to time out, but it is more in favor of her calming down so we can figure out the problem. So instead of setting a time, I tell her when she calms down, so that time could be 30 seconds to 10 minutes. It would all depend on her, because if she has not calmed down when the timer goes off, there is no getting through to her! But for my son, it needs to be a set time or else he'd never understand the basis of it! And while he is still young, he understands very well since implementing it more recently!  

  3. I like those shows and pretty much agree with most of what they show. My best friend has a doctorate in psychology and is specialized in children, and those techniques are good. It does not work in every case, but mostly what they show is just fine... I think a toddler should sleep in his own bed. Would it be only for dad and mom's intimacy...

  4. They've helped me with my discipline, mainly with just reminding me that sometimes I may find myself in for an hour long battle but I can't give in, just have to stand my ground as the parent.  It also helps to remind me that I need to clearly express my expectations of behavior to my child, otherwise it is unfair to get upset and discipline him when he does misbehave.  I think the cosleeping is so discouraged in those families because it just isn't working for them.  Usually one of the parents has been "kicked" out of the parent's bed or one spouse doesn't like the other spouse spending the night in the child's room.  It's just not working for the family in those situations and gives the child some sort of impression that they hold a position of power in the family (versus the parents holding the authority).  I think that if cosleeping is really working for a family, fine.  It just usually isn't for those families.  

  5. i have raised shire horses for over 40 years. during this time we have used nanny mares. so i am very pro nanny also, i support nanny goats.

  6. i love them. i cant get enough of them, they may seem mean and harsh but if you fowollow what they say they really do help. i get ideas all the time from the show and they work for me and my daughter and the boys i watch.  

  7. LOL I was JUST thinking that!!!!!!!!!!  You read my mind, girl.

    I've been getting into Nanny 911 lately, and I get really upset about how they're dead set against co-sleeping!!!!!!!!!   It's SO awful! :(

    I understand wanting to gently (NOT meanly) transition an older child, say 5 or so, but a baby???  I saw one the other day with an 8 month old being kicked out of the bed.  That upset me a lot!

    In general I like their advice, and I learn a lot from their observations.  NOT the family bed ones though!

  8. I actually get some helpful hints from the show but it's easy for the "nanny" to watch the kid cry because it's not there kid!  I hate to see my daughter cry.  My daughter does sleep in her own crib but it's basically attached to my bed ( an inch away ) on my side so I can reach out and touch her head or whatever at night and just "check up" on her.  I honestly don't see how people could have there baby in the other room all night long and not worry about them as they wake in the night ( the parents..cause I wake about every few hours and look right down at my baby and it's very reassuring ).  She is only 7 months but I really can't see her leaving the room before like 15 months and who knows..maybe longer.  I just want to add though that the parents that do keep there baby in a separate room are not bad parents....its a personal choice and most babies are fine in there own room but I personally love having my baby right next to me.  I am appalled by some of the way the kids act on these shows can the parents let it get that bad!?  Really, if I ever even thought of slapping my mother in the face it would be the last time I seen the outside of my room for a month!  

  9. Ehh, I dunno. I guess they can help some families, but I'm sure most of the families go back to the way they were before seeing as the nannies are usually only their for what? a week?

    Some of them look kinda staged IMO anyways. Also they seem to go on a single method of parenting and for a lot of families it isn't like that.  

  10. Both parties are idiots in those shows. Raising childing is common sense, and if people don't have that, DON'T have kids!

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