
What do you think about the new Breaking Dawn?

by Guest57582  |  earlier

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i finished reading Breaking dawn in a few days. I couldn't stop reading it!!! It's sooooo goooood and i recommend everyone to read it!

So personally i loved it

Tell me what you thought =]




  1. absolutely loved it...

    just hated that it ended sooooooooo want more!!!!

    the only thing i disliked was that the volturi weren't taken down....

    and ooooooooh loved when they were kinda saying their goodbyes *tear*   i admit i cried.. i had the slightest doubt in my head that they would die.. cuz of course they couldnt die but even knowing that i cried...


  2. i loved breaking dawn i finished it in 24 hours i can never put them down! my mom likes when i read them because when I'm done I'm always happier!!

  3. It was so boring.

  4. I get 2 points. You lose 5. lol.

    And all I have to do is keep saying it's the worst book of the series. I hated it up to the last part which was actually tolerable.

  5. Come on now....this ? was asked a million times. I am glad you liked the book...good for you. I, on the other hand, did not. People like it. People dont like it. Thanks for 2 pts

  6. first i felt sad. then i felt disappointment. then i was feeling angry. now i'm beyond the point of no return, angry doesn't even explain how mad i am at how it ended. crappy, bullshit ending!!!!! stupid nessie s******g everything up! dammit! jacob belongs with someone cool - like maybe even leah would be good. but nessie? and i wanted bella to finally stop being so annoying. but she STILL was. dammit this bullshit ending has me going ********** insane.




    its like making sense and getting my point across means nothing at this moment. i just wanna keep typing till my anger passes...




    i need an effin' xanax.

  7. i really don't know what i think.

    i suppose i liked it.

    But only cause half of it was from Jake's point of view.

    He's so funny.

    And to all you people who said it was c**p and boring.. we all know that if you went back in time and had to make the choice to read it again, you so would!

    But the bloody anti-climax at the end.... UGGH... i was really hoping that everyone would die (except the wolves)... that would have made my day.

    If she wanted bella and edward to have a happy ending than fine!  Why didn't she make them die and then they could go to heaven or something.

    And bella said something about 'forever and ever' at the end.... wrong!

    The Volturi are still there and are more pissed off than ever.

    They would probably be dead by the end of the year!

    And the jake/renessme thing didn't tick me off at all.

    I was sorta hoping that jake and bella would end up together even after she was married and pregnant with edward's baby (don't ask why, im a freak i know)

  8. Two words. Disappointing & Renesmee.

    Okay..I was disappointed...How can Stephenie end the Twilight saga, with now fight? Wheras the past three books all had fights in it...Breaking Dawn didn't..Very disappointing..and the end didn't quite feel like the end..More like an empty space for yet another book. Overall, it was kinda disappointing..especially Jacob and Renesmee.

  9. i loved the book to i cant stop reading it either i my favoriter character renesmee(nessie)

  10. its an absolute failure. it sounds like some obsessed teenage fanatic wrote it....the writing really is that horrible. SM is delusional if she thinks she produced a quality piece of writing. AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I think the whole series is stereotypical, predictable and pretty pathetic. It's like SM ate Dracula and some seedy romance novel then threw it back up on paper and tried to call it a story.

  12. I though it was very predictable, but I LOVED IT! I really am pleased that it ended so happy.  

  13. HEY! im reading it atm!! im at the part where jake threw his " dog dish " at rosalies head .

    hey , me looves it . >:| i dont see why ppl are hating on it . i think breaking dawn is better than New moon .

  14. I enjoyed the first part, about Edward and Bella's honeymoon, and I thought the way Bella tried to bribe Edward to make love to her by promising to go to college was really funny.  The part about her pregnancy was good too, I enjoyed the way Edward and Jacob formed a sort of alliance.  And the birth was quite dramatic.

    But once Bella became a vampire I thought she became much less interesting.  The trouble with the vampires is that they are all so perfect it is hard to relate to them in any way.  The qualities that made Bella endearing, her clumsiness etc, are all gone, and she's just another boringly perfect vampire.

    And as for Jacob imprinting on Renesmee, no I'm sorry, but I thought that was creepy.  I mean, considering he'd been in love with her mother, weird.  Not to mention the fact of her being a baby.  I did not care for that at all.

    And I thought the ending was a huge anti-climax.  Just as you're expecting a big exciting battle or something, it all just fizzles out and everyone trots off home.  The ending is just too bland and cosy for my taste.  A bit of a disappointment.

  15. I though it was actually pretty good as last books of series go, those tend to be bad.

    I agree with that person who talked about how Bella as a vampire was a bit boring.

    And I'm glad Jacob imprinted on Nessie, I think it's sweet.


    If you wanted more people's thoughts...(It's not a snub I promise)

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