
What do you think about the new french president?

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What do you think about the new french president?




  1. It is not unusual in any of the Western Democracies for politicians to call for change and to win elections on this basis. However, it is unusual to actually see any major changes implemented once they are in office.

    M. Sarkozy won with only a small majority and we do not yet even know what the composition of the National Assembly will be that he must work with to affect change.

    Are any of you old enough to remember Mendès France? He was Premier in the Fourth Republic in 1954 and decided to convince the French to drink milk instead of wine. I need not point out he was not very successful.

    M.Sarkozy will attempt to convince the French to work harder and give up some of the lavish social programs now in place.

    I suspect he will succeed as soon as the French replace wine with milk.



  2. What I think of the New President in France:

    Nicolas Sarkozy is the new President of France. He is the grandson of a Hungarian immigrant and son to a Jewish mother. The man is a tough talking, direct, (Perot type) and refreshingly modern! He is seen on French television jogging with body guards, (very not French) and he talks about tax breaks, and creating a better business environment and job opportunities in France. He is a non smoker and has white teeth! His critics claim he is too tough. I personally think France finally has a leader not adverse to change.

    His opposition is primarily the retired generation and the immigrant community. Heavily populated immigrant communities around Paris and Lyon started violent protests last week, ignorantly burning cars and day care centers in their own communities. Bravo! The international press writes of "revolution" in France, but for there to be a revolution a majority of her citizens must oppose the ruling government, and that is simply not the case.

    Sarkozy is a far cry from the old school bureaucrats clinging to traditions that have little relevance in today's economy. His message is to create more jobs by freeing up business owners to hire more people without the heavy costs imposed by the current social system.

    Frankly I understand the retirement community not supporting Sarkozy, they fear change, as they fear just about everything as age settles in, (I feel this myself as I get older), but I am not quite sure why the immigrant community does not support him. It has been my observation that the French can be very prejudice and if a job application has a non French name they are likely to be passed for an interview over one with a French name regardless of superior qualifications. I believe Sarkozy will, if not blatantly, inadvertently change this mentality, after all his name is not exactly Beauvoir, and he won the election to become President of France!

    As an American living in Paris, sharing my life with a French man, I have noticed that our generation (25-35 yrs old) is very pro American, especially the American business model of the "Freedom to Practice". All of our friends voted for Sarkozy, my parents in law (retired) did not. All of our Friends speak English and a couple of other languages as well.

    For me personally, Sarkozy is good for France, and for American, French relations.

    There are the cultural differences and clash of personalities so to speak between the French and the Americans, but from my observations over the years, the differences are superficial at best.

    I feel that with Sarkozy, the gap between some of those differences will tighten.

    After all show me any example in French history where a French President is jogging with body guards, or smiling with a broad Colgate grin!


  3. THE BEST THE FRENCH CAN HOPE FOR.i am all for him

  4. I'm not the French citizen but I'm for Segolene Royal. Sarkozy is show real "face" during the demonstration last year and few weeks ago. Of course I support leaders with programs that include strong social policy because and in EU and in USA strong economy recession is present and consequences will first "feel" the poor citizens and workers. Best Regards and veradisca! Neven.

  5. I don't think he is the best president France can have, but he will do his job and will be a good president. I am French, I didn't vote for him because I didn't like what he said and didn't like the politician. But now, he is president, he is no longer a politician, he is above all that. The speech he's just said a few minutes ago reassured me. He will fight against poverty in the world, against the pollution issue. He is the symbol of the Republic, and I think he suits the role!

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