
What do you think about the new law stopping drinking on public transport?

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Is this only in London or nation wide? I know it's been banned on the tubes but is it true for all transport in Britain?




  1. Its a start! But I think we need drastic changes in the drinking laws in the UK.

  2. in my opinion, it is a very good idea. this means that no longer ill you end up on the bus home late one night with drunken weirdos shouting and giving abuse to the driver and passengers. no longer will you have that one weirdo who sits behind you and secretly sniffs your hair. (its happened!!!!) also, this will preventthat weird smell you get when eer isdropped on the floor and it gets really hot. i feel sick THINKIN about it!

  3. i didnt know you could!!!!!

  4. I think it´s great. There´s nothing worse than being on a bus or train and some smelly antisocial pisshead comes to sit near you talking rubbish and acting in an unpredictable manner and aggressively insisting you take a sip of his special brew. It´s my pet hate, although it doesn´t happen that often, thank god. Keep alcohol in pubs, please!

  5. im not sure but i think its a great idea theres no need to drink on a trip, if u cant wait til u get there uv got a problem! drunk people on public transport intimidate me and you cant exactly get away from them on a train or something

  6. Just in London.

    I think it could cause a lot of problems are they planning to put a security guard on every bus?

    I can see it being reasonably enforceable on the tube with cameras and British Transport Police, but I wouldn't be the bus driver getting out of the protective cab to tell six chav's they have an on the spot fine.

    It also puts the rest of the travelling public at risk. There's always a Napoleon that wants their own Waterloo and telling a drunk to stop drinking is a sure way of finding it.

    Ill thought out is my opinion of a vote winning idea.

  7. I'm from Northern Ireland and it was banned over here about 3 years ago.

  8. Its been banned for a LONG TIME outside london to drink alcohol on buses, indeed Transdev Blazefield have said it is illeagal for about 5 or 6 years! Still legal on the trains - they sell it!

  9. Drinking as in alcholic?

  10. It's only in London and it was the mayor who decided on it, although my local bus firm wont let you drink on them and the metro in newcastle has drinking banned.

  11. It has ALWAYS been ILLEGAL to drink alcohol and recently smoke on public transport in South West England.

  12. not before time!

  13. given how many staff members were beaten up on the night before the ban by drinkers, I think it's a great idea.

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