
What do you think about the new movie about abortion, 22 weeks?

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I just found out about it yesterday. It is based on a true story of a woman who had a botched abortion. She ended up giving birth to the child in the bathroom of the abortion clinic, and held it for about ten minutes until it died.

It is very sad and probably something that you shouldn’t take children to see. However, it shows the reality of abortion, and may change people’s perception of it. I am glad a film like this is coming out.

Here is a link to the official site

They have a trailer that you can view.

I just wanted to tell people on here about it because I know many people would probably be interested. I also want to hear your comments on this movie. God Bless.




  1. Thank you for the info very appreciated but i just wish really hard that every women that is considering abortion would change their mind after watching this movie and would consider adoption..i cry watching this..

    every baby desserve a chance to live their are only innocent..God Bless

  2. That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Part of me wants to say it serves her right, but no baby deserves to die and no mom deserves her baby dying. I've not heard of the movie until now, but I think anything that might encourage people NOT to have abortions is great. I am so against killing babies.  

  3. Just looking at that sickened me to my stomach.  And people want the right to go through an abortion.  Yuck!  

  4. Can you say "PROPAGANDA"?

    Hon, it's a MOVIE, not remotely a true story.

    "Based on a triue story" means almost none of it is factual.

  5. Wow- I didn't know about this movie, but I would like to see it.


  6. Where can you watch this? Is it in theaters?

    Add: To Baby Joel is Due... here is a link that is from 2005 about this woman's story-

    Is that who you were thinking of? It sounds a lot like what you described...

  7. they dont really do abortion @ 22 weeks anymore. PRO CHOICE!

  8. I"m hoping this isn't the woman I'm thinking it is.

    There was a woman who decided to have an abortion, and she wanted the opportunity to hold her baby after the abortion.

    She wanted to have an abortion so her baby would go to heaven, instead of putting it up for adoption.

    And her plan was, to give birth, and then let it die in her hands.

    She ended up giving birth in the bathroom, and is trying to start a big commotion against the abortion clinic for not helping her SAVE the baby.

    It doesn't make any sense.

  9. I haven't heard about this movie before thanks for posting a link to it. I would really like to see it; it seems extremely interesting!! I would never have an abortion unless the baby had something medically wrong with it or if it posed a danger to my life. I'm glad something like this is coming out - maybe it will help change the minds of some people considering abortion.

  10. :(  

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