
What do you think about the news doing reports on people gathering together to pray for help?

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Like what I saw was there is a serious drought in Georgia so people gathered to pray for help and they did a report on it. And it was a while back in case you were wondering.




  1. What if those same people used their hands for working instead of praying?

  2. I'm a Christian and I agree partly with what you said.

    It is sad to see christians praying for their own selves when there are more pressing matters to attend to.

    However this is something in the Christian community that we don't bash.

    You see my friend, there are different people on different stages of their journey with God.

    For example, you heard it said that we are children of God.

    That is exactly it. Many are CHILDREN but God doesn't want us to stay children forever. This is why we study and grow and practice our faith.

    Sadly most christians have stunted growth.

    But part of a maturing christian is not to be a stumbling block to the growth of younger or less mature christians.

    Some christians indeed don't care for their own welfare anymore.. Take for example Shane Claiborne.

    However some just recently converted and are still looking out for themselves.

    God does entertain their prayers often enough, however it is God's decision when he will encourage them to start praying for others.

    That is not our place to judge them for their immaturity.

    If you measure that on others, it shall be measured unto you.

    For example.

    You bash them for not praying for the needs of  foreign countries.

    Lets look at your own life.

    What do you spend your money on?

    Do you even dedicate 10% of your total income.

    Plus offerings and gifts etc to God?

    And I dont mean giving it to church.

    What i mean is, spending it for the benefit of others...

    meaning, do you donate it to charitable organizations etc.

    how much money do you spend for your internet.

    how much time do you waste in front of the computer when you could be volunteering somewhere...

    point being.

    take out the plank in your own eye before you talk about the dust in other people's eyes.

  3. Prayer is good

  4. I think it makes those people look stupid to atheists, and devout to Christians. So it evens out I guess.  

  5. I think it encourages religious nonsense. The media should follow up on the success of these prayer vigils.

  6. God is greater than our human mind and can take in everyone prayer at one time.  If we are talking to Him about something that is important to us, then it becomes important to Him and He listens.

  7. I guess it's kind of like the Gong Show. People will degrade themselves to get on t.v.

  8. I like it. There's way too much negativity today. Hurrah for reporting on a positive for once!

  9. EXCELLENT; I wish it was going on on every street corner in America!

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