
What do you think about the old saying "every time you pick a flower it screams?"

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My mother was of Irish blood but born in Scotland so i do not know where she got the old saying from, but hey i never picked any flowers as a child just incase




  1. I think the flower needs to scream louder because I never hear them.

  2. Flowers are so beautiful, so therefor they cry when you remove their most delicate blooms.

  3. makes me want some hallucinogens.. and watch some flowers scream hahaha scream little flower scream!! actually.. I heard of this one experiment where a man stood in a room with a plant and imagined it burning, it was hooked up to a lie detector that showed a reaction from the plant. another plant was put into another room and actually also reacted from the other plant being thought about.. this is a well documented experiment I'm sure I could look it up if anyone disagrees with it's validity

  4. Without vocal chords, how can it? But I get your drift. The fact is, I don't think that plants consciously suffer, and if I thought being picked or harvested caused pain or sorrow to vegetation and I wanted to be kind, there would be nothing left to eat, so I'm not going to think about it.

  5. Never heard that before. I get tired of people anthropomorphosizing everything from inanimate objects, cartoon animals in movies and even God. There are some who would say that plants have a certain type of consciousness. It is scientifically proven that plants respond to music and loving care. It is also common to think there is a kind of life or majestic spirit within plants. Just look at how people romanticize trees... Atributing them with human qualities such as wise and strong.  But with all that said...I think that the line "every time you pick a flower it screams" is just clever writing.  

  6. well my mum comes out with all those old wives tales but i have never heard that one before.

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