
What do you think about the practice of shaking hands?

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For example, if someone you did not know came up to you when you did not expect it, and felt it necessary to shake your hand, would you wonder if you were being tricked?

Do you consider shaking hands to be a necessary social protocol, or do you do it just to be civil and polite?




  1. It beats what dogs do.

  2. Absolutely polite, necessary, and socially accepted/expected.  Make sure you don't do the "limp fish" hand shake.  Nothing says "I have absolutely no confidence in myself" more than that.  You don't want to crush the hand of the other person, but your handshake should be firm.

    It is also expected that if the person with whom you are shaking hands is in your "house" (like your house, business office, the first one at the restaurant, etc.), YOU are expected to offer your hand to shake hands.  You definitely need to know handshake protocol for the business world!

  3. I would shake their hand.  Many times I don't want to shake hands because of germs.  Shaking hands is the polite thing to do.  It's better than hugging and "air kissing" a stranger.

  4. it's polite - I hate huggers

  5. In the business world, we shake hands routinely.  For me it's a necessary social protocol.   It is a way to keep the playing field level...example:  our district manager was in our store one day and I was sitting in  the office with one of my associates, planning her schedule.  He came over to greet me, and reached out as if to pat me on the shoulder.   I stood up and shook his hand.  Thus, I was more "equal" with him, rather than being patronized by the shoulder pat.  

    It would never occur to be that someone offering a handshake was trying to trick me.  

  6. lf someone puts their hand out for you to shake for whatever is considered an insult if you reject this.

    l would say it is civil and very polite....

  7. when is the last time you heard of someone catch something from shaking hands? get over it. it's ok. move on

  8. i like a good hand shake  i think it shows sincerity and character but it has to be a firm shake  i detest a limp shake  i feel if they dont want to shake my hand then dont but if you do show some interest and that is by  giving a firm shake

  9. In days of old when you shook a person's hand,it meant you accepted their word to fulfill an agreement between the both of you like as if it was a contract. For those of you in the business world,many have forgotten that a handshake is more than some formality. It "seals the deal".It signifies you have accepted the other person's terms and no matter what ,you will keep your side of the bargain. But then again there's some woosies out there that simply rely on that signature on paper,OR "to have it in writing".

  10. Honestly, I don't like shaking hands. There is something about it that I just don't like. I have a good handshake for good interviews and business meetings but for strangers and casual encounters I try to avoid it. If the other person offers the hand I will shake it but I won't offer it.  

  11. I hate it.I get to the nearest sink to wash my hands,or even refuse it entirely.

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