
What do you think about the presidential in France?

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I live in France and i 'd like to know what you think about Sarkozy and Royal...




  1. Ms. Royal seems disconnected from reality both in terms of her understanding of international affairs and her sophomoric socialism. On the other hand she seems an altogether more personally appealing individual than M. Sarkozy.

    M. Sarkozy however does appear to have a better grasp of the economic realities that France faces and the need to abandon some of the worst indulgences and excesses of the present economic system. He also seems to be more of am international realist in terms of understanding the limitations of French power.

    But he also seems to be something of an opportunist in personal terms and some of his pronouncements concerning non-whites border on being racist.

    I do agree with the responder who suggests that most Americans have no real understanding of France. To the average American, France is just a caricature which exists someplace on the other side of the Atlantic.

  2. american present..

    if royal wins the election..there will be a huge deal about a women me..

  3. I like Sarkozy. Our  nations share many things in common, more than people in the United States admit. Socialist pro Immigration advocates like Royal are destroying your country.....she will not only destroy your culture, but your national dignity. Royal will be another bush, a divisive figure who only divides us.


  4. American here.

    I was actually hoping for Le Pen to win the elections this year. Unforunately that didn't happen...

    So my second choice would be Sarkozy :(

    "I do agree with the responder who suggests that most Americans have no real understanding of France. To the average American, France is just a caricature which exists someplace on the other side of the Atlantic."

    Most people in the world are ignorant of the world around them. This is directly due to the television and propaganda.

  5. Please vote Royal,

    she is the only future for France!

    Sarkozy will keep things exactly as they are - those making money will continue to make money and those who are not will continue to struggle.

    Sarkozy is a typical right-wing egoist like Berlusconi who will only look after himself and his kind.

    Under him you will continue to see a big divide in haves and have nots.

    xx edit xx

    Don´t hold your breath for many answers from the Americans they are not too clued up on world politics, or anything to do with the world outside the states for that matter, and I would be surprised if most could point to where France is on the world map!

    I hope I am proven wrong but I doubt it!

    The absolute trash that they get bombarded with in school and by the media has created a brainless, witless, disaffected, disconnected, slow witted, dull, non-thinking nation of social sloths in a state of stupor and slumber.

    And for some reason they have become self-anointed "world gaurdians" - God help us all!

  6. Let's just say that RIGHT NOW, the American's are not sure if France is with us, or against us.

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