
What do you think about the probable war of Iran?

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Do you think it will be soon a war between Iran and Israel or the U.S?

If you do, what do you think about it? Is it positive or negative?




  1. It will be negative.

    But American Govt. will make some excuse like WMD or nuke or some terrorist attack to start war with Iran, then with others. And certainly american senate will also approve that for the shake of national security & etc.reason. this type of war will not stop until the american people will educate themselves with minimum moral to understand the value of human lives (non-american human lives).

  2. That is a worst case scenario, if it does happen we Americans can expect a global hatred to start. People around the world already dissapprove of the Iraq is being handled and we need to clean up that mess before we make a new one. Also I believe that if we do go to Iran the draft will be opened once again. There aren't enough soldiers to have another military action. God forbid if anything happens on our homefront, we won't have enough to protect us here! If McCain does get this election (god forbid) then we might as well all invest in a Huffy because the price of gas will be too high and so will the price of everything. I'm with Obama on this one, let's just try the diplomatic approach and try to avoid war at all cost. We simply can't afford it.

  3. maybe war isnt the problem. Can we stop it, Because war is us we made war and all the peace c**p isnt working or anything i cant bear another war no when will america learn that its enough that they should go home because nothing will change we will just fight untill the world explodes.

  4. The war is happening now- Iran is suppling Al Sidir with traiing and weapons to aid him with the aim of taking over Iraq. It will happen as the Bush doctrine has failed he attacked Iraq who had a shell game and left North Korea who has admited to having weapons that can nuke the US alone.

    ...the only question is when and how many people will die.

    With out the US military in Iraq there is nothing stopping Iran from taking over.

  5. 'em jews going get more of our boys/girls dies for their freedom happiness and scrumbles our economy to flat line.

  6. It would be real stupid to attack Iran.  Get ready for $10 gas if it happens.

  7. The other day, the Joint Chief of Staff said the US didn't have enought troops right now to send in to support the troops already in Afghanistan, even though more American troops have been killed in Afghanistan in the last two months than in Iraq.

    We were overextended when we invaded Iraq, we are overextended now.  Sometimes I think Bush has ADD when it comes to sending the troops into harms way.

    Iran is a long way from having nuclear weapons.  I have serious doubts about the intelligence we recieve.  Remember WMDs in Iraq?  I really think Bush will mold the intelligence to fit his desires.  

    This is why we need Bush out of office and a McCain loss.  Enough is enough.

  8. If Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is still leader for any longer and Barack Hussein Obama becomes president, you can bet Iran will try to start something with Israel.

    The funny thing is Israel will kick Iran's @$$ back to the stone age.  Israel has the best military force on the planet, they don't take c**p from nobody! (especially a bunch towel headed camel jockies)

  9. I think Iran needs to be deterred.  I would support military action against iran if it is the only other alternative.

  10. All war is negative. Do I think it's possible... If McCain wins, yes.

  11. It is fortunate that there are tolerant international world diplomats who are capable of addressing this issue.

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