
What do you think about the protesters?

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I live in WA and we had the protesters come to one of our malls on the 15th to protest the war. My husband is currently serving in the Army and we got e-mails telling us to stay away from the mall at certain times on that date due to the protesters that if they saw the decals on your car or anything that shows you are part of the military that they will get in your face, hand you fliers and try to talk you out of things. Also that they will try to get you all riled up to cuss, flip off and more and they video tape you and later show the tape to say the military and anyone affiliated w/it are rude and mean. I didn't go to the mall..but come on people..they thought they could stop business from happening for that time. There are many other malls around the area and also who wants to shop on the 15th anyways. But I do have to say that they can protest all they want but if someone is already signed up for the service that they can't say 'ok, you changed my mind and i'll quit'.




  1. P-MACH and The Thing should go live in North Korea or China where protesting is not allowed at all. Although I do not see that protesting has done much good, I believe we should have that right. Free thought and the right to disagree is a hallmark of this nation.

  2. It is their constitutional right to protest. However being harassing is a different matter and it seems to me that this is what these people were doing-harassing the military and their families and that is wrong. Whether a person supports the war or not, they should support our soldiers.If they want to protest, they should do it in a peaceful, non-harassing manner - to the politicians.

  3. I am for the war and support our troops, and I think it's alright to not support the war but, you should ALWAYS support the troops. Their people just doing their job like anyone else, except their job is to protect our country.

  4. The war protesters should go live somewhere more to their liking, like Cuba.

  5. It is the right of every American to protest, it does grow a bit old when all they do is spout conspiracy theories and talk about "Workers Unite!!" but there is no law against stupidity, you just can't legislate against it. Look, no one likes the way the protesters are going about things, most of them are far left-ANSWER is a hardcore Communist Group and Code Pink is run by a woman named Media Benjemin who thinks Cuba is a great way of life and Communism is a great thing that just hasn't been done right yet. Other groups like "Friends" are just pacifist groups who do not get that pacifism only works against Democratic Countries or other groups like LA RAZA who get involved thinking that the war  is somehow tied to immigration.

    In some ways I am glad they are out and about, it allows the silliness of the ideas they have to be seen for what they are, rubbish and child like utopian ideals that go against the grain of what human nature really is. Let them protest, let them get in your face, it only continues to destroy them in the public eye :-)

  6. I'm ex military. I don't completely agree with the war, but I do support my country. It's just hard to want to fight for someone that will not fight for themselves

  7. Protesters are sheep led by the politicial pied piper.  Ignore these "sissys".

  8. how many protesters showed up ?

    I hear about protesters, but as far as I can tell there are Very Few of them.

    An extremely small minority.

    I don't know anyone who is against our fine troops

    I don't even see them on this site (being against the war is not the same)

    People in the Military get handshakes in public, not harassment.


    I'm sorry to hear that

    I've heard that Pacific North West was the new Southern Cal

    (La-La Land) but I never really thought about it.

    I'm in San Diego and I haven't seen a hippie in a long time.

    People here would probably hurt some one harassing the troops. We have a lot of cowboys, even our g**s tend to be tough q****s (many are retired marines, go figure)

  9. The people who do these protest have no pride in themselves. I walk pass them,with my Marine Corps Logo Hat, and smile and laugh.

    That's all the attention they deserve.

  10. It's their right.  It's America, remember?

  11. Neither do I agree with this war (if that's what you want to call it).  Theoretically speaking, however - isn't it one of the fundamental reasons for our military - to protect our right to protest and civil disobediance??

    As far as protest 'etiquette' - we cannot control individual mannerisms.  It is what it is...

  12. There is something The Protesters could do beyond opposition to the war and such. The Protesters could push for the introduction of The Human Right To Peace into The Bill Of Rights. Anti-War protests while effective will not prevent wars. Perhaps if there was an indirect way to suggest this to them they might bend their energies to this.

  13. Shorty ..  I Pray for, and Surely many Other Americans, have Your husband included in The Total of Mil. Personal Sent into this Quagmire in the M.E.  1st I should mention that I Served USAR 1968-1974, so you/all will know this Script is Not that of a 14yr. old Pimple, etc.  OK  The

    "Protestors" ..  I Really Feel You should Listen To Their Words, Pleas, instead of generalizing about "You've heard the Olympia, Wa. area has Tree Growers ? or something like that  MEANINGLESS Term..  the Protestors get in your face when seeing Mil. Items on your car.?  Damm Straight ! You are their 1st Priority,  Darlin' These guys who are making you upset, Flipping them off??  and such. maybe Just Maybe, They are TRYING TO SAVE YOUR HUSBANDS LIFE !!   If My Dear, sweet, Loving wife - gf  was sent over there, and some Folks where EDUCATING Me on Info. not offered (Allowed) by Army, or FoxFearFactor,   and this Crowd was Trying Their Dammedist to Get The LOVE of My Life BACK HOME in ONE PIECE,  I would offer them Over For Lunch or to buy-em a 12pk.  I Would WELCOME  ANY and ALL  of Their Views/Options/FACTS  Dang!!  My Gal is My Life !!  also if You Knew The FACTS. like who/why/what for, That  War ON Terror is Based on Deception, Propaganda, and ALL LIES..  Since 09/04/06, I have Devoted My Time/LIFE to The 343 Wives of Firemen in NY and the 100+ Cops, and The 2900+ INNOCENT People in Those Towers, that Horrible day, as Those two 110-story Towers were PULVERIZED,  Turned into Small Pebbles and DUST, Before Landing at Ground Surface.  I could rattle off DOZENS of other FACTS and Prove the 9/11 Commission Report was a TOTAL Sham, FRAUD, and ALL LIES.. feel free to e-m 4 more info.   **  Note**   fffwer  Posted an EXCELLENT  Link.  Please Look at It. .. Prayers 4 your Hubby..   I will leave YOU a Link, which included Other VETS  families and Loved Ones  Experiencing The Same Harships as You.  Good Luck ..  > >

  14. I am not pro war but I am pro military. I feel all US citizens should be proud of our military men and women. I am so sorry you have to endure these ignorant self righteous asses. It's because of people like this our vietnam vets are so emotionally screwed up. This really pisses me off. You go wherever you like and hold your head up high because you and your husband earned it.

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