
What do you think about the quality of bosses you've had in life?

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On the job, what has been your opinion of the quality of the bosses you've had in life. Are the good people? Did they do a good job as a boss?




  1. Power hungry people who will have heart attacks at 50.

  2. Hmm.  Good question.  I remember my first temporary job as a teenager was working for a lecherous, creepy guy who stared at our chests.  Couldn't stand that guy.  I should have told my parents or quit.  That's not the way you want to enter the work force.

    My first real job was working for a woman who was very no-nonsense yet socially smooth and personable.  She made it clear what was expected of me in the job, and also made it clear that that was really what she expected.  Somehow she did this in a way that was not bi@tchy.  She had good self-esteem, and was pretty confident.  Sometimes she could be smug and too pleased with herself, but everyone has some faults.   That didn't interfere with me doing my job.  When i did something way out of my way, she really acknowledged it and sometimes also rewarded it.  She was fair and that's all you can ask for.

    My second boss was also socially smooth and confident, and even really friendly and fun.  Everywhere she went people liked her.  But she was an ambitious snake and tried to make other people, including me, look bad to make herself look better.  For example, I found out later that she would tell me to show up for something at 2:00, for example.  Then she would tell the other person that she had told me 1:30.  The other person would be kind of annoyed at me, and think i was unprofessional.  I would have NO idea!

    But she didn't stay very long after that.  She hopped to another company, ever-striving to climb up the ladder.  She is a very successful executive at this point.  I won't be surprised when she becomes a CEO.

  3. They have been nice people, but very unprofessional.

  4. Some were just happy to have a cup of coffee and tell me what to do without trying to streamline and improve the effeciency of the operation, which I see as bad.

  5. I have had a couple very unorganized, power hungry bosses who feel they are better than everyone.  I dont like that.

    My current boss is very caring, and supportive.  She gets a long with everyone, stays out of drama, and is a really good person.  I work in a nursing home activities department and you can see she loves every single resident there.  She is an awesome role model.  I really look up to her and I hope that others follow in her example.

  6. 1/ Very Good.

    2/ Very Good.

    3/ A/H.

    4/ Not Too Bad.

    5/ Complete A/H

  7. most bosses have no clue how to do what they demand out of their employees,they could not handle it,they got where they are by having a degree instead of working their way up,that's why i am a firm believe in promoting from within,you always get better supervisors that way,they have a better understanding of the requirements and reasonable expectations,they understand the actual work and job,they are not just pieces of paper on the wall who read a handbook.

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