
What do you think about the racial polarization that is growing in a fast rate in Malaysia?

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And have you guys watched this? its a statement by the Malaysian Foreign Minister on a grilling session over the show 'Hard Talk' on BBC...




  1. What do I think about it?

    It sucks.....oh well....such is life!!

    Yeah, I have watched that episode of Hard Talk on BBC.

    It was a freaking joke on the whole... lol....

    Do you think the BBC would be ''fed'' and ''brainwashed'' on anything???

    The BBC does its ''homework'' BEFORE they interview!!!

    I BELIEVE IN THE BBC.......ALL THE WAY so please, please, please do not even think ''you'' can tell ''white lies'' to them....hahaha.


    So sorry hahaha.....but the interviewee was so freaking "funny" :~) note that I said ''interviewee'' and not ''interviewer''....big difference!!!

  2. who cares. thats what i think. i cant be polarized myself, because that would be a contradiction of who i am a person comprised of different races. black and white to be exact, so when i hear that, i guess i just cant really understand the ? .

  3. Well, I am an American living in Malaysia, and I see the affects of this polarization every day. It does exist, but there are reasons why it does. Perhaps it is because of culture, which I understand better, but this is not a grave problem, considering the vast steps Malaysia has amde coming out of the SEA economic crash of 1997, and considering their new status as a newly industrialized nation within the past two years.

    Not to say it isn't a problem, but in reality, it is being addressed, and it is no worse than treating minorities in larger countries with favor, rather than majority peoples. We all are prejudiced and it superior to acknowledge it, then to over compensate for the fact, and claim innocence. malaysia has come far, and is continuing to grow as a rising economic and free nation.

  4. I don't have much to say about this!!!

    Sorry about this {I need the two points}

    Thankss!!!!! <ab>

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