
What do you think about the recent ban of live music in pubs in Bangalore?

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No more live music in Bangalore. Police is now enforcing a ban on live music performances of any kind and playback of music louder than background music from places which also sell alcohol (pubs, bars, restaurants). Bangaloreans, already prohibited to dance and directed to go home by 11:30, have less and less options for any entertainment in a city which is struggling to become a metro of international format.

It may sound like a bad joke, but it is real.

What you say?




  1. Not only in bangalooru, but also in major cities the public music system is banned.  you can do up to 10 in the night.  The sleeping time should not be disturbed by the loud music.  it is a nuisance to others, though it is a very good performance.  of course, it is an entertainment, but the whole public should like it, but the people are against it and hence govt imposed ban.  if it is an entertainment in a city, they can conduct in indoor during the day or up to 11.30 in the night.  There are untoward incidents happened in the past, and therefore the govt took restrictions.  This is also in chennai.

  2. Everybody loves music,

    But when there is Vulgarity clubbed with music and alcolhol adds to the indecency...yes its true that it is anti social..

    who stops you from going to a concert...for live music..

    but it isnt the live music that prohibited...its the live semi s*x shows that we dont want..

    Kudos to the authourities for upholding our values and saving our kids..

  3. Read the artical

    All bangaloren needs to leave this city and walk out?

  4. its crazy.. back to the dark ages


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