
What do you think about the rise of islamonazism in France?

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What do you think about the rise of islamonazism in France?




  1. Weird question. The French are institutionally against anything other than Frenchness.

    Good or bad, that's the way it is.

  2. Europe or Eurabia?

    Well this is what an Australian paper thinks of what is happening Europe wide, not just France & the UK.

  3. tu veux bien arrêter de dire des imbécilités sur la france sur des sites étrangers.... déjà que les américains ne connaissent rien à rien mais si en plus tu vas leur donner de fausses idées sur la france... on n'en sort plus!!!

  4. It's not a problem unique to France, but all of western Europe. A policy of open-mindedness and tolerance only works when you're dealing with open-minded, tolerant people. Once you start tolerating the intolerant, the intolerant start making all the rules. Europe is digging it's head in the sand and hoping this problem will go away, but it's only getting worse. It is not necessary to start a war, but to make boundaries and say "this is our country, either integrate or leave" Groups segregating themselves and living in separate societies is not "multicultural". The problem is that the government/media is so afraid of extremist Muslims and when they're not busy ignoring them, they're trying to make the people ignore them, so they won't get suspicious/feel threatened. Eventually this plan will backfire as Muslims grow in numbers and influence.

  5. The French have separated religion and the state since the revolution.

    That is the essence of their policies.

    I think we should adopt that view here.

  6. The question I raise is this!What has France done for England?

  7. If we do not stop the Muslim invasion of Europe, North America and Australia, soon we will be the infidel minority in our own homes. The Muslims are not genuine migrants, they are missionaries to take over the world. Hence we must stop them!

  8. Muslims moving into coutnries in any numbers would not be an issue if

    a) mosques were routinely monitored for things such as Wahhabist Islam, Jihadist ideology and materials etc.

    b) stricter expectations to adopt more of the culture and norms of the country being immigrated into were enforced

    c) Western countries weren't such damned hippies thinking everyone in the world is all about peace, love and unity... tolerance is as much of a killer as intolerance can be!!!

  9. Its not just France, unfortunately, but the whole of the EU. I think that Europe should defend its secular character - strict division between religious and social life.

    Yes, our culture is based on traditional Christian values and it should remain such, because it is our history and tradition. Therefore, its' OK for us to continue to celebrate Christmas officially, as it is OK for the Arab countries to honour Ramadan officially. If its then expected for an European woman to cover her head in an Islamic country, it should be expected that Muslim women should not religiously cover their head in formal situations in Europe - such as at school, when teaching, working or when their passport photos are taken.

    I haven't heard of many Christian churches built recently in the Muslim countries, and to my knowledge some of them even have laws against preaching a religion other that Islam. So, Europe should, of course, allow the building of mosks, but it doesn't seem right to have two - three mosks for one small neighbourhood. (I think this regarding churches also, by the way.)

    Also, Muslims should not be isolated - something which, lets face it, is happening! Integration does go both ways.

  10. I'm not really surprised. Since when did the French ever give a balanced view? They're just doing what they always do: rolling over for the fascists like the gendarme twats of old.

    Amen Jesus N

  11. They day the french lift a finger to help us or are just vaguely courteous then I will think about it.


    Yeah yeah suck me truncheon

  12. C'est dommage.

  13. When I saw outskirts of Paris burning and muslim youth shouting to the police to "get out of my occupied France!" then I knew things were out of control there. That statement really said it all to me. That youth was so bold and honest.

    I saw French gov't  react by appeasement and accomodation and not really even accepting that there's a problem.

    So the muslim youth carry on.. what's to stop them?

  14. There's no such thing as 'islamonazism'. I might as well ask you what you think of the rise of buddhobolshevism in Canada.

    There's this strange perception that Europe is 'going Muslim'. That's not at all true. The percentage of Muslims in France is about 3-7%, and they've actually had few problems with Islamic extremism, unlike Holland and the UK.

  15. Notre Dame will make an Excellent Mosque and the Eiffel Tower will be the largest minaret in the world, No more Truffles! PIGS WILL BE BANNNED

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