
What do you think about the russia/georgia war?

by Guest56916  |  earlier

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i heard some where that it's like when hitler invaded other european countries, do you think putin will invade other countres like polland? do you think the u.s. will step in a fight with troops?




  1. I've heard that it wasn't Russia who started this conflict at all! It might be that Georgia launched a sneak attack on Russia.

    While we are comparing other countries leaders to Adolf Hitler, lets not forget that this country, under the leadership of the Bush Administration, Invaded Iraq under false pretenses. It's no different then when Hitler invaded Poland and beyond. In fact, Hitler used the same excuse that the Bush administration used, security and fighting terrorism. Hitler's and his administration burned down the Reichstag building and blamed it on their enemies to create fear. The United States is in Iraq and Afghanistan now. We'll probably be in Iran in a few months... If we get involved in the Georgia/Russia conflict it will start World War 3 and the United States will be finished (if its not already)

  2. If they invade Poland, the nukes would fly.

    Especially now that Poland has agreed to let America set up its missile systems there.

  3. what war?   are Brangelina affected?  TomKat?

    idk, omg!!

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