
What do you think about the science theory that humans will become two species?

by  |  earlier

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i couldnt help but laugh, and be like wtf, it remined me of lord of the rings or seomthing haha

what do ya'll think?




  1. lol...i don't think so!

  2. AT first it seems ridiculous but actually there is no reason it couldn't happen except for general horniness.  A good working defintion of a species (used by biologists, not paleontologists) is a group that can and does reproduce resulting in offspring that can in turn reproduce.  By this defintion the Tasmanian people were not full H. sapiens; they did not reproduce with the European colonists, they were hunted down for sport and bounties and the last few not killed died out.  SO, it could happen again.  As they did not breed with the Europenas they would, according to biologists, qualify as a separate species.

    It is less likely now not because of greater morality but greater world wide access through modern transportation and the ever present general horniness.  Less likely but imaginable.  

  3. Unless a group of humans are isolated from the rest of the human population for over 100,000 years and have to survive in other extreme conditions then yeah but how will this happen on a planet which has airplanes. It has to be complete isolation and a plane going over you still ecposes you to other humans.

    Unless we colonize Mars I dont think it will happen

  4. Something from "theorist Oliver Curry from the London School of Economics" hardly fits what I would call a science theory.

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