
What do you think about the scrapping of the S/S Norway?

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0 LIKES UnLike that the shipbreakers at Alang have made their first cut on the hull, removing the tip of the bow.




  1. They're scrapping the norway? How did i miss that! Those FRAKERS!

  2. one of the last three ( QEII and QM II) actually built as an ocean liner, capable of taking on the Winter North Atlantic as a ship opposed to a cruise ship which is just a big old box filled with "tourists covered in oil"..

    I live on St Thomas where you see seven zillion ships a year.

    Norway ( nee France ) always used to anchor in the outer harbor; you could look at her and see a proud ship, the end result of 200 years of ocean going design and history, capable of plowing through the worst the Atlantic could throw at her at 25 knots.

    All the other ships....(with the exception of Disney Magic, which looks like Mauratania' s young cousin), look like middle aged Vegas hookers, all tarted up with no substance to them.

    It will be a sad day , probably soon, when QE II goes into retirement. Hopefully a dignified one.

  3. whats the big deal...i spent 10 yrs in the ships is a common occurance...i am also a plank owner..and was also staioned aboard a ship that was scrapped later on...i think that is why sailors call ships...she...once they served their purpose you scrap them...

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