
What do you think about the smoking ban, Illinois your your state?

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What are the laws in your state?

Are you a smoker or not/

Illinois just passed the law that you can not smoke in a bar or restaurant or nightclub?




  1. They've banned it in all restaurants and bars/pubs/etc where I live, and... Well, quite frankly I think it's completely asinine.

    That sort of thing should be up to the OWNER. If people do not want to be around the smoke, then don't eat/mingle there. :/

    If you OWN the business, you should be able to do what you please with it, whether it hurts you in the long run or not.

    and now watch the negative ratings roll in. >_>

  2. Best  thing that has changed in Ga. Not a smoker. But a Cancer survivor.

  3. I live in Illinois, and I am soooo in favor of  this law!  I had a baby in December, and I am very happy that he will grow up in a virtually smoke-free world.  (My husband and I are non-smokers, as are all our friends and family)

  4. i would just like to point out, even though california has laws against it, they do not enforse them. as someone who has to take public transportation, i know firsthand how bad second-hand smoke really is. i wish the state of california would do something like ACTUALLY ENFORSING the laws, that way, i wouldnt have to worry about smokers whenever i go to the bus stop on my way to school, and i wouldnt have a risk of a serious asthma attack that could kill me. smoking effects alot more then just the person holding the cig.

  5. Washington state has a strict smoking ban.  No smoking in any public building or even within 25 feet of an entrance.  Businesses all complained that it would ruin their business before the law went into effect, but it didn't because they all have to follow the same rules.  As a non-smoker and a fan of good health, I think it's great.

  6. Minnesota's law went into effect on10/1/07 - I LOVE it... no more red itchy eyes when dining out or gross stinkey hair/clothes when I get home.

  7. i live in Illinois and do not smoke. but think that the smoking ban is bad. What else are they going to ban?  I agree that smoking in restaurants is not good, but there are places where the smoke doesn't bother people.  I think there should be smoking and nonsmoking places like bars. if you don't want to be around smoke don't go to a smoking bar.

  8. I live in Seattle and am a non-smoker. We have a smoking ban here and it's totally fantastic! I don't mind if people want to smoke that's there choice. Smokers here don't agree with the ban that we have and that's ok because it's ones opinion.

    However I don't think it's fair for a non-smoker to have to inhale second hand smoke. I completely agree with the ban an think that it should be passed in all states and all around the country.

  9. I am a non-smoker who applauds the smoking ban.  I have terrible allergic reactions to smoke and never was able to enjoy the bars and resturants in my neighborhood.  Because my reactions are so serious even in places that had "non-smoking" areas, I would find myself sneezing uncontrolablly or having an "attack".   Before the ban I never visited a bar in my neighborhood and felt so left out on weekends because my friends either had to stay home with me or go out and tell me about it later.  I love the Smoking Ban!

  10. Nebraska--we have non-smoking in some cities. My suburb of Omaha allows smoking, so we drive 30 minutes to Omaha to go to the same chains for sit-down dining rather than supporting the local places. Hate to have to wash my clothes, skin and hair just because I ate dinner out! And it is nice to smell the food! I'm totally in favor of making it cleaner for everyone--especially with proven benefits!

  11. i live in California and as you may know you cant smoke on most street coroners here! anyway it seems to be something that has not only affected the smokers here but all over the world!Europe has passed similar smoking bands,and i can only assume it will reach the rest of the word eventually.i myself smoke, however i never subject non-smokers to my second hand smoke unless they choose to be there.oh and by the way the bar i visit in Oakland ism owner run and operated so as long as the owner is behind the bar you can smoke.

  12. I live in Illinois too and I am sooo excited about the ban. I'm a non-smoker and I used to refuse going out to bars with my friends because I didn't want to reek like smoke and cough all night.  I'm happy for all the people who work in the bars, restaurants, and nightclubs now they can work without endangering their health. I am soooo happy about it, and I hope that the other states follow suit and do the same.

  13. I don't smoke. But I think it's stupid. They should ban alchohol too, you kill people doing that too. One is as bad as the other. But God forbid they go after people who drink, and get in vehicles and drive.

  14. I'm a non smoker and I like it for me, but the bars I think might suffer because of it.  If you have a privately owned bar, I think it should be up to you if you want it smoke free or not.  Also now that IL is smoke free, this is just something I heard, the Olympics might not be coming to Chicago anymore for that reason.  Not enough smoking rooms in hotels and people from different places other than IL might want to smoke when they come to such a big event if the area they come from allows smoking.   I thought it would be kinda fun to have the Olympics in IL.

  15. We've had it in Ireland for a while now and as a non-smoker I think it's great.

  16. CA & rarely~ love the law and most people respect it now and others around them. They just sit outside on the belcony. Most places now have in door all non smoking & out door (non & smoking) locations. But most of the time no one really smokes in california in public anymore. It's really not a "kool" thing to do. Makes you and those around you stink. I love being able to go home after a night at the bar and not having to air out my clothes, car & jacket.

    The benifits of kicking the smokers outdoors out weights everything.

  17. Too much government intervention . !!!!!!

  18. i like the banned, smoking is nasty, and i rather not be around it

  19. I live in England and because i am a smoker i find the ban horrible. Not just because i can no longer smoke where i please as it does have positives for non-smokers but i believe that it is taking away the freedom of choice of these bar owners. It should be heir choice. Also, if a non smoker has a problem with going into a bar due to the smoke, they do not have to go in there. It is not essential for them to go inside.

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