
What do you think about the split speed limits (in some states) for trucks vs cars?

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For example, Ohio is, I think, 65 for cars and 55 for trucks (except on the toll) but it Pennsylvania it is 65 for cars and trucks both. Do you feel it is more safe having the trucks going 10 mph slower than everyone else or do you think they are more in the way?

Also, there are some trucking companies who are cutting their trucks back to do 62mph. Do you feel it is safe for them to be doing 62 in a 70 or 75mph speed zone?

I'm just curious of others opinions.




  1. its dangerous t0 split the speed limit on the same road

  2. I have not noticed enough cars obeying the speed limit for it to be correct to say that trucks are going (only) 10 mph slower than cars where there is a 10 mph speed limit difference.

  3. I am against them, except on steeep downgrades. Studies have shown that when you have two vehicles traveling at different speeds it increases the chance of rearend collisions. if you worry about a truck driving at 65-70, what about the car pulling a trialer (he falls under the car category) and has the car brakes and MAYBE 1 set under the trailer and no specialized training. A truck traveling 65 is just as safe as a car traveling 65 unless other variables are thrown in such as tailgating (unsafe for either vehicle), or a vehicle that cuts in and slams on the brakes because they almost missed an exit, still an accident waiting to happen with either vehicle except its more likely to happen if a truck is restricted to a slower speed because of the mentality "I just have to get around that slower truck".

  4. I see no problems with it and believe that it save lives and prevents accidents.

  5. useless. ever see a trucker obey speed limits. or anyone?

  6. Yes it does make sense.  If you are driving and find a slower semi-truck a problem you should just get off the hyway.  

    In California there are places with restricted speeds for trucks. Very necessary on steep downgrades and the trucks just cannot go fast up hills.  Maybe you don't see that kind of hill in Ohio?  A could thousand feet up in a few miles?  Have you seen the "grapevine" on I 5?  Those zooming Semis are scarrey.  And not having enough brakes to stop is deadly.  They put in runnoff spaces for it, filled with sand.

  7. it makes sense because it takes at least the same length of a truck to come to a full stop.  why do i know this, i used to date a truck driver, and had to quiz him on his driver's test.

  8. on one hand i think its more safe for the trucks to be going slower just because naturally think slower means safer. i dont think that it would be safe for ANYONE to be going 62 in a 75. thats asking for an accident. i think all vehicles should have the same speed limit except in the mountins. seeing a semi crash at 70 or 75 isnt much different than seeing one crash at 60 or 65. its a complete mess either way.

  9. Have you ever seen what happens when a truck crashes at 70 or 75?

  10. Split speed limits may be OK on divided highways with two or more lanes in each direction, because most big trucks don't run at top speeds anymore anyway, as a fuel conservation measure. BUT... A split speed limit on two lane roadways is UNSAFE, and actually causes more accidents than it prevents, because cars and motorcycles choose to pass larger vehicles in unsafe locations, and end up hitting oncoming cars head-on.  If everyone were required to run the same speed limits, then there would not be as many passing and head-on accidents.

  11. I can see nothing wrong with it. Actually from a safety stand point it makes sense.

  12. I think the split speed limit is great since you have those trucks traveling at a safer easier to control speed as well as accidents are a little less likely to be lethal.

    Here in California, it's very common for the speed limit to be 65 for passenger cars and 55 for large trucks and cars with trailers.  And on the I-5 going from San Francisco to Los Angeles, the speed limit for cars is 70, while 55 large trucks.

    I think a bigger problem though, is when trucks or people driving campers don't follow this rule.  When this happens, people start passing on the right lane, and you have vehicles going 70 and vehicles going 50 mixing.

    You can't keep all cars at the same speed, so the best you is SLOW TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT!

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