
What do you think about the story on Yahoo about the woman arrested b/c of her dogs?

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Doesn't sound a bit extreme and none too neighborly? Personally, I would love to see that sergeant stripped of his badge for abusing his power. They have a dog too. Unbelievable. I would move. I wouldn't want to be their neighbor. It's not like she let her dogs out on their own. She was with them. Neighbors around here let their dogs wander into other people's yards. I haven't called to complain about it. If someone is walking their dog and they go in our yard, it's ok. I only object if they stand in the garden but it's not an issue here. It was in my previous place. The person could have stood on the grass but no joined his dog in my garden. I just said to him, I don't mind you on the grass but could you please not stand in my garden.




  1. It's her fault for leaving her dogs un-attended and not on a leash. People should be responsible for their dogs actions and not leave them in the loose...thats how pets get hit, shot, and start breeding unexpected litters. What if these dogs bite the neighboors, and in THEIR own yard?? I think it was taken way to far....I think a warning would of been good and if it happened again then they should take more action.

  2. Both sides went way too far, but the woman should have been fined after being tried in court, not being shackled which was "normal procedure" for a woman... thats BS!

  3. I saw the story and while I see both sides, the woman with the two little poodles brought this upon herself.  She deliberately antagonized these people over and again and taunted them with "what are you going to do about it?".

    She said she didn't want to cross the street because she was afraid the neighbors over there would say the same thing.  Then why, for goodness sake, did she not just pick her poodles up and carry them to the other side of the neighbor's yard, then put them down again?  

    The picture in the site showed her holding them both, so I know she can.

    And I do think they went a bit far by arresting her, they should have complained to the neighborhood association and called the animal cops to ticket her.  And they could have sued her for new sod on their lawn.  But to arrest her for trespassing is a bit much.

  4. I'm not familiar with the story, you should provide a link.

    Some people are afraid of dogs, some are allergic to them. All of these people have the right to expect neighbors keep control of their dogs. It is rare to be arrested for an animal violation for a first offense, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were prior complaints.

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