
What do you think about the technology in the "DEJA VU" movie?

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Do you think someday will be possible to develope that technology in the movie: seeing past events?




  1. i think its "cool" very advanced. Would be greatest invetion ever in human history. I doubt this technology will come to be but for those who have the money,time, and motivation. Shoot!!! Knock your self out.

  2. one of the key words in that movie is time travel,an American theoretical physicist,Kip Stephen Thorne is the first person conducting scientific research on whether the laws of physics permit space and time to be multiply connected (can there exist classical, traversable wormholes and "time machines"?). With Sung-Won Kim, Thorne identified a universal physical mechanism (the explosive growth of vacuum polarization of quantum fields), that may always prevent spacetime from developing closed timelike curves (i.e., prevent "backward time travel"). With Mike Morris and Ulvi Yurtsever he showed that traversable Lorentzian wormholes can exist in the structure of spacetime only if they are threaded by quantum fields in quantum states that violate the averaged null energy condition (i.e. have negative renormalized energy spread over a sufficiently large region). This has triggered research to explore the ability of quantum fields to possess such extended negative energy. Recent calculations by Thorne indicate that simple masses passing through traversable wormholes could never engender paradoxes — there are no initial conditions that lead to paradox once time travel is introduced. If his results can be generalised, they would suggest that none of the supposed paradoxes formulated in time travel stories can actually be formulated at a precise physical level: that is, that any situation in a time travel story turns out to permit many consistent in short,it could might be possible,

    but with the special effects technology used in the movie

    that i cant not say,however there had been people that claim

    have done this,and goverment projects as well,here are      

    some of them;the Italian priest and scientist Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti,Darren Arthur Daulton ,John Titor , The Montauk Project (which is said ,was a continuation of the

    philadelphia experiment)and the alleged paranormal phenomenum called; timeslip

  3. If you thought it was just a trick of the mind, prepare yourself for the truth.

    2. Possible it is developed already, but it will not be respected nor acceptable by general public, so it will remain classified and hidden. There are places you can enrich your perspective utilizing the web, but I won't point you to them.

    1. I think the massive electric demands of such a technology would indeed be responsible for large blackouts...The responsibility of that team, of Doug Carlin; that made my day. Commitment.

  4. I heard that its hot, hasnt watched it yet though.

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