
What do you think about the two illegals that were killed in Pasadena TX?

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I think the old man - Joe Horn did the right thing, not only were they robbing his neighbors they are illegal immigrants.

Also WTF was Quenelle X doing their.

To me the moral of the story is DON'T STEAL OTHER PEOPLES STUFF.




  1. they should not have been here

  2. I am sure he did not know them, much less know that they were illegal criminal aliens.

    I agree with your moral.

  3. sounds good to me, you break into a country then break into a house then you should be shot, its great prevention

  4. All I see is them defending it. Do you have a link to the actual story? I'm interested in reading it. Thank you.

    Edit: Why did I get a thumbs down? I don't know what happened, I'd like to read about it. If those men were in the middle of stealing, then good for this Joe guy!

    Edit: Thank you soda!

    Edit: Go Joe! I'm sure his neighbors are thankful he was watching out for him.

  5. i think the moral is if we were all hopping the d**n border into mexico and stealing their stuff they wouldn't hesitate to shoot us.  nor would they bother to double print everything in english so we could read it.

    so i think the moral is don't hop the freaking border and steal.

  6. I approve of Joe Horn.

    Edit: if anyone wants to read the story, here it is:

  7. I think it's a good start. Illegals are like cockroaches, you let a few in and the next thing you know you have a lot more and you can't get rid of them.

    But I disagree with random killing. There should be a designated hunting season when there's too many of them, like deer, to keep the numbers manageable. They're just parasites that leech off our hard earned tax dollars.

  8. The grand jury refused to return an indictment and Mr. Horn is a free man.

    I think he  was well within his rights and Texas penal code  to defend not only his property but his neighbors- with deadly force.

    Too bad the theives didn't bother to study up on Texas law before breaking it-maybe they would have realized that by stealing they were taking their lives in their hands.

    I wish my state had laws in place to protect homeowners who protect themselves and their property.

  9. I think its disgusting. He shot the guys in the back/back of the head....when they were trying to leave without taking anything. I think this is a huge violation of the law and I think that if they were US citizens there would be far more outrage....what if they had been american teenagers, just fooloing around. Why does it make it right simply b/c these men were illegals. You do have a right to defend your property and even your neighbor's property (in texas) but when someone is not actively threatening you or your property, then-no--you should not have the right to shoot them in the back.

  10. I think what he did was wrong... yes those people shouldnt have been breaking into someone elses house but Joe Horn was told to stay in his house and not to take action when he had called 911 before shooting the theives. Even his wife believed that he is at fault and should not have shot them!

    You should not be able to shoot someone unless you are in harms way orf you know someone else is.... but everyone knew that  the owners of the home were not home....they were out of town...... so there is no reason why he couldnt have waited for the police rather than shooting them!

    for people that say its self defense... its not,  in no way was he in harms way ... he should have let the police handle it as he was told by the operator when he called 911.

  11. agree 100%...if you don't want to be killed in Texas, Don't steal other ppl's things. I have no clue what the f*** Quenelle X is doing. The onlny time he speaks is when someone begs him to. Otherwise, he is useless. He only annoys the ppl of houston, doesn't help them. (my opinion only)  Wish there were more Horn's around to protect my neighborhood. You also forgot, one was on parole at the time too. Where was his parole officer and why wasn't he keeping tabs on his parolee? That's the state for you. Cut them loose early and when Txan's stand up for themselves scream "Murder"

  12. I have the bad feeling that maybe that was set.

    Perhaps the horn killed the illegals and staged the rest. He knew he would be declared innocent

  13. ok what would you do if you saw 2 people robbing your neighbors house, that is, if you had a good relationship with them?  you would try to defend and help them right?

    so they deserved it, illegal or not.

  14. He is being unfairly portrayed as a vigilante by the media while they mourn the loss of life by ILLEGAL THIEVES!!!  Way to go, Joe!  He did what I would do, he protected his family when he saw a crime taking place!

    and to d**k Face:  it's not murder.  It's self defense.  And sorry if I don't have a lot of pity for someone in the process of theft.  I suppose if they robbed you, you would want to sit down and talk it out?

  15. so you murder them? thats disgusting.

    wow, look at the ignorance in the room.

    EXCUSE ME, but KILLING SOMEONE is ONLY self defense if your life is in danger, his wasn't.

  16. People who steal stuff get shot at...  always have, always will...  don't want to risk getting shot?...  don't steal...

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