
What do you think about the type of people that...

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gets off on getting on other people. The type that likes to speculate before they even know what a person is going through. I find that rather inhumane. A person is deemed bad by what people see or heard that they do. How do you respect people like that? I don't. Everyone usually makes their decisions of off good intentions. But the road to h**l is paved with good intentions.




  1. You mean people who do what you're doing now?

    They suck.

  2. No, not all choices have good intentions.  In fact many do not, especially those deemed "immoral" and more likely to be criticized. That all depends on what the choice is.  If it is harmful to someone...a parent doing heroin or meth in front of their 4 year old, I think think are a worthless piece of c**p.  If they are working 16 hours a day while ditching the 4 year old with their parents, so they can provide for their 4 year old is a bit different.

    A man who rapes a woman did not have good intentions, but the man accused of sexual harassment because he saved a women from drowning while she was skinny dipping alone is a bit different.

  3. Because people care more  about what other people think than their own thoughts.

  4. Why think when you can react? Why empathize when you can judge?

    Some people just don't care. But they love to judge you on it.

  5. I don't have respect for people like that either. I try not to judge a situation until I've been in those shoes and I know that person well.

  6. Oh, I take utter pity on such people for they lack humility, pehaps the greatest sign of immaturity and gradiosity.  The more educated one becomes the more one becomes aware of just how insignificant one is in the scheme of things.  This behaviour consistent with putting others down for self "empowerment" is either pathologic or a sign of catastrophic ignorance.  The brightest people I've ever met have been the most humble and would never put anyone down or remotely issue judgement about another's intelligence.  

    It's purely a sign of weakness and desperation.  Speculation before getting to really know another person is really laughable and childish.

  7. But i think the best way to get off is by getting on someone else

  8. Gossip is both boring and shallow.  It's simply not interesting conversation to me.  If it comes up, I change the subject, or find something else to do.

    The real question is, why do YOU care?

  9. Honey, everyone does it.

    Put them on the spot and see if they like it...

    I do it and it works.

    For instance:

    A girl comes up to you and says, Guuuurl, I heard that Cindy's feet stink. This is where you say, "not as much as yours stank last Friday" and then walk away. Then she would just go to someone else. It makes them feel popular by any means necessary and it drives me nuts.

    If the girl is talking about you and you found out about it, then just approach her and ask her about it. Scenario:

    You: "Um, Are you going around telling everyone my feet stink? You're the only who knows..."

    Girl: "No.."

    You: "Yeah well, if it is you then I'd appreciate it if you stop because you don't want people to put out stuff on you and I can make somethin up REAL quick."

    Girl "Whateverrrrr"

    You: "Yeah, try me...the next rumor I hear about me, you will be the next target"

    Then you walk away before she can stop you.

    She knows you'll do it so she'll either stop doing it or tell whoever else to stop.

    Withheld knowledge is the best blackmail...

  10. yes

  11. Is it not said "It seemed a good idea at the time"

  12. People who try to control others via disparaging remarks, criticism, etc. are an interesting lot.

    I have found through personal experience that people who try to control others (what they think, how they act, etc.) typically have something about themselves that they are NOT able to control.

    As a result they displace their need to control (we all have it) by trying to control others.

    It's a losing proposition, since one can never truly control another, so it ultimately leads to frustration.

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