
What do you think about the upcoming solar maximum?

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Right now we are at the solar minimum, the next solar maximum occurs in 2012. Interestingly enough 2012 seems to be a year for all sorts of predictions such as a rare alignment of planets. End of the Mayan Calander. Computer predictions of dire occurances in 2012. for those who dont know, Solar maximums can cause massive power outages, electronic failures, and in extreem cases raise the Earths temperatures. A large enough burst could even peel away the ozone layer. The last Soloar maximum caused power grid failures, satellite disruptions, and problems with the electronic banking systems. since then we have become even more reliant on electronic help. What do you think of this happening during the same period when so many predictions have been made about 2012?




  1. Well, Nuff, I think I'm gonna wish I never saw this question!  Seriously?  I think I am going to try not worry about it.  in the event it happens, as in the end of the world as we know it,

    I think I will jump off that bridge when I come to it, but not before...

    I guess there are those who will try to prepare in some way, stockpile food, water, ammunition, money (gold?) and such.  Also I guess a secure, defensible place for after the event would be prudent in their minds.  

    I think that if the event is going to be on a scale where large populations will be wiped out then I doubt that I would want to stay alive and be one of the ones to start over.  So I won't do any preparation.  Just hope for the best is all I will do.  And maybe see what I can do to maintain a good relationship with God in the meantime.

  2. This is proberly a silly question...But i love studying volcano,s.. there is one volcano in Indonesia that i have been watching,..Its a time bomb waiting to go you think with what your saying, could have affect on volcanos....

    I do feel something is going to happen, that will have a huge impact on all of us

  3. Well if the predictions are correct, it should be interesting. I've never seen the northern lights, so maybe that might be a positive aspect of this. It's funny that it's occurring in 2012 along with the Mayan end of the world thing, so there should be some amusing mayhem going on. I guess we'll have to wait and see how things turn out.

  4. That would be cool, but I dont think it has anything to do with the Mayans.

    Everyone thinks the mayans were so great at predicting the future, but they couldnt see the end of thier own civilization, otherwise they would have ended their calandar then.

    Solar Maximums occur every 5 or 6 years is my understanding. We just had one in 2006.

    edit: sorry, maximums occur every 11 years, I was thinking about max and mins occurring 5 - 6 years apart. 2006 was a min year.

  5. I'm scared of all these things, Could you please e-mail me some more information so i know what to expect

    thanks alot, e-mailme at

  6. We are all going to die. Notice all the weird weather lately, well thats just the beginning. This year alone we have had all sorts of major catastrophes, expecially earthquakes. I predict as we get closer to Dec 2012, weather will get worse, there will be volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes and rising water levels. The Mayans werent the only ones to stop their calendar in 2012, coincidence, I think not. Nobody thinks anything is going to happen, but they are wrong. In the end it doesnt matter who is wrong and who isnt, because there is no way to avoid our fate. The earth is just an organism like any other, and it is taking actions to clean itself of burdens, in this case humans.Maybe we wont all die, but I believe 99% of the human race will be annihilated, and well the rest will be left to start all over again, and hopefully take a different path.

  7. My answer is.End of the world predictions probably started with cave men.The one thing they all have in common.They have all been wrong 100%. I think I'll go with the odds and not worry too much.

    edit.I have a great imagination.Right now I'm imagining the great"end of the world" party I could throw in 2012.

  8. Hopefully, it will be just another day! I don't think we can do anything about it...but worry.I don't want to spend the next 4 years having one giant panic attack. I wish I'd never heard about it. I think this is one case where "Ignorance is bliss"!

  9. This is interesting stuff. I just wanted to add that the Mayan Calender is for the age of pisces. After 2012 or entering into it is the age of aquarius.

  10. Solar maxima always cause a few problems - downed power lines, increased radiation (a problem for people in space or on the moon; not so much on Earth), satellite interference (reducing communications and interferring with GPS systems).  

    As for the 2012 thing, the solar cycle reaches a minimum once every 11 years, so it had a 1 / 11 shot.  Those aren't bad odds.  Note how it didn't line up with the last millinium or 2007, the last two years the world was supposed to end.  No one pointed it out then for that reason.

    The Sun has never thrown out a flare big enough to harm the Earth in that fashion - never in it's history.  And it's not going to be significantly more active this time than ever before - it also has cycles of increased and decreased activity on larger time scales that we've been able to measure.

    Basically, most people won't even notice.  It's not going to be a big deal.

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