
What do you think about the war in Iraq?

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I am not pro-war or anything like that, but dont you think that if we take the soldiers out of Iraq, will they come to America and attack us?? What do you think?




  1. The war in Iraq is virtually won although most Democrats are afraid to admit it because of how they undermined the war effort and called the troops fighting it murderers and n***s

    There are now more people being killed in Barack Obama's Chicago than Iraq or Afghanistan

  2. Your mind has been brainwashed.

  3. I think the war in Iraq is illegal and unwarranted. The Iraq people were not responsible for the attack on the towers and Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, and the nation was not harbouring any terrorists, nor was it a training ground for terrorists.

    Both the States, and Iraq have suffered needlessly as well as the British. I believe that Mr. Bush is responsible for that and I believe he has a lot to answer for. The poor fool ... he hasn't an answer that could be near good enough.

    However the occupying nations of Iraq have to stay there now, in for a penny? in for a pound! If the States leave now then you can be assured that there will be greater repurcussions in the near future. Leaving the land of Iraq now would leave it open to the deserts jackals and serpents to run the people. Those jackals and serpents are men full of a fanatical hatred and they use religion as a guise for good deeds when they do their evil.

    You can't take the soldiers out just yet. But one day soon the occupying forces can leave with some sort of integrity.

    That will be the day Iraq can govern itself without fear of a military coup from the fanatics looking for a false "Jihad".

  4. No matter how you connect the dots, Iraq had absolutley nothing to do with 9/11, this whole war has been a play on word's, the majority of these terrorist were saudi's, and the president said any country harboring terrorist would be delt with, but yet nothing has happened with the saudi's..... Iraq has been in the cross-heirs long before 9/11, The world is changing around us, our economies and currencies are changing, those who control the energy resources, controls the world.

    I dont want to believe conspiracy theories about 9/11, but i dont buy that Iraqi insurgants did it or had any connection too it... I think we will learn the truth eventually, and it will probably shake our country to its core to learn the truth, so if we end the war with Iraq, we will just move on to Iran next, they will create a new enemy for us to fear just like they did in the 1950's with the soviet union.

    we are sheep in every sense of the word.

  5. No. We need to come home. Those mother's need their babies homes.

  6. iraq will fall when we leave but we always have Afghanistan to finish. in Afghanistan we can fight and finish what we started and I'm sure the terrorist will follow us there . here on the home front we are safe because of home land security and bush has made sure of it.

  7. The people who toppled the twin towers were from Saudi Arabia for the most part, and so was Bin Laden.  Saudi Arabia also funded and otherwise aided the people who did 9/11.

    Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

    Personally I think you need to get out of the U.S. for awhile so that you're not continually bombarded with lies about 9/11 and Iraq.

    Do you correct the mistake or do you keep pretending that the lies are true?

    There are going to be attacks on the U.S. whatever the U.S. does now.  Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died.  Don't you think some of their family and friends will want revenge?

    Pull out now.  Let it be known that it was all a political thing and that the U.S. citizens didn't have anything to do with it.  When Bush leaves office, get the troops back.  All they're doing is wasting billions of dollars to continue the cycle of violence.

    The American public has to stop being so gullible.  First of all I don't believe in revenge, but if you're going to go after who toppled the towers, then go for that person, not someone else.  If you're going to lie and say that you're going after those who harbour terrorists, then go after Saudi Arabia, not Iraq.

    But, if you want to pay taxes and have your money spent on continuing violence, ensuring more violence against your country, then go ahead.  I'm Canadian, so you Americans can s***w yourselves if you want.  Our dollar is benefiting from it anyway.  Your money and goods are being devalued every day.  Your country is in debt.

  8. That we should not have gone there in the first place, and that all of our soldiers should be home.

  9. You really don't understand the situation, do you? Who is "they", in your mind?

  10. It's not quite that simple, but by overthrowing a dictatorship that suppressed social, and political change through murder and fear, we have created a power vacuum.  It's now our responsibility to keep that region stable until Iraq can get back on it's feet.

    Pulling out of Iraq too soon would result in the same type of conditions that happened after The Soviet Union invaded Afganistan in the 80's.  They  created the perfect conditions for The Taliban to move-in and open AlQueda training camps.  So while we can't blame Iraq for 911, we can help Iraq to join the international community and keep extremist organizations from gaining a foothold there.

    Of course she doesn't understand the situation, that's why she is asking the question.

  11. Please read, the Iraqis weren't involved in 9/11 even Bush admitted it after the attack. Why do some of you people blame Iraq for everything? The Iraq war is the reason why thousands of innocent people in a sovereign nation have been killed or badly injured, hundreds maybe thousands of soldiers have lost their lives, innocent hostages have been beheaded or shot, many countries have had terrorist attacks ie UK, Spain, Egypt, Turkey, Indonesia (Bali bombing) or threats ie France, Italy, Canada since this war. So, why would anyone say that this war is fine? The same kind of people who blew up the twin towers are in Iraq now blowing up innocent people aka the coalition forces on the will of a president and a prime minister (well ex prime minister). What's the difference between war and terrorism? Nothing, they both kill innocent people so sorry I don't get your point.

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