
What do you think about the webkinz pencil case?

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only positive answers! i love it! i wish that i had it! also my friend says that it breaks easily. is that true?




  1. Can I have it?

  2. I haven't bought one yet, but I know that they are a waste of money! I love webkinz A LOT but i don't think I would spend my money on something that would break, because all that it is good for is getting extra stuff in the kinzpost.

    Hope this helps!:)

  3. dont buy it its a waste of money, plus you dont get anything good on the website!

  4. its retarted i think they keep making retarted stuff like the charms CAN YOU SAY RETARTED

  5. It's a pencil case.  It holds pencils.  What's to love or not love?  It either does the job it was created to do or it doesn't.

  6. yeah mine broke the first day but i just wanted the code anyway so it didnt really matter to me

  7. i got one and teh zipper came off when i tried to open it! it looks cool though ;)

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